After The Benefits End - Part 18

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Me and Evie made our way to Nandos, meeting the other girls there.

“So you going to tell me what this mission is yet?” Evie asks as we make our way over to the table.

“I will in a minute when all the girls are here, saves me telling it twice.” I smile sitting down next to Katy.

“Hey .” I smile and hug her

“Hey,” she smiled

“Evie this is Katy, Jayden’s girlfriend.”

“Oh hey.”

I filled Evie on how we met as she was rather confused on how I was rather friendly with my ex boyfriends new girlfriend before the other girls came.

Eventually the others turned up so we got up and ordered and paid for our food before getting our drinks.

“Okay so fill us in , what’s this mission you mentioned before?” Paige asked sipping some of her coke.

I glanced at Katy who nodded me to go ahead.

“Well basically...I think Amy’s lying about being pregnant.” I say and all their heads nod in sync.

“So do I .” Megan replies

“Me too, something just isn’t right.” Evie smiles and grabs my hand.

“Okay...I’m glad you agree with me.”

“So what’s the plan then ?”

“Well I was talking to Katy yesterday and she thinks we need to catch her out somehow, that she’ll be out drinking and then confront her and tell Dan.” I begin

“But do you think Dan will believe you if you just tell him she’s lying?” Ruby asks

“I would hope so. Yesterday she lied about the scan, trying to make Dan think that I purposely told him the wrong date to miss it and we had a huge argument. But we’ve talked and we’re not letting her come between us so I think he’ll believe me but he’s so confused about everything with Amy.”

“But how did she show him a scan picture if she isn’t pregnant?” Megan asked

“Lindsay her sister is pregnant I think. Covering for her.”

“Sneaky little bitch.” Paige hissed

“She’ll get her comeuppance .” Katy smiled at me and we all nodded.

“So we up for a night out ladies?” I smile

“Oh hell yes, we are bringing this bitch down.” Evie laughed and I high fived her.

Our food came over a couple of minutes later and I grabbed the ketchup bottle, pouring a generous amount onto my plate.

“Oooo” I moaned, clutching my stomach as Evie did the same.

“What’s up ?” Megan asked

“Baby just kicked.” Evie laughed as did I

“I swear if I feel each kick, twitch or pain during your labour im not going to be happy.” I laugh stroking her stomach, feeling the baby kick again.

“The nurse said you may feel something as we’re so close and as you had some of my morning sickness, but you wouldn’t feel it all.”

“Thank god.” I laugh

We demolish our food in no time and do a spot of shopping before me and Evie headed back to ours to get ready for tonight. The girls were coming round at eight for a couple of drinks before we headed to the bars and clubs on our mission to catch out ‘little miss bitch’ or ‘LMB’ as our code name for her.

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