Best Friends With Benefits - Part 22

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*Liv POV*

I walked through the crowds of drunken people, not knowing where I was going or what I was actually doing. I could hear the music blasting away, everyone was having a great time.

“Hey ” I heard someone shout but I ignored them, then I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to be greeted by a gorgeous, blue eyed boy.

“Hii” I grin

“You look lost darling” he smiled

“Na, I’m just wandering around”


“Was bored with my friends” I giggle

“Fancy hanging with me and my boys for a while?”

“Sure” I smiled. I wasn’t too drunk yet and I was single right?

 I just wanted to have some fun and forget about the pain I was feeling towards my best friend right now.

“What’s your name gorgeous?” he asked me

“Liv, yours?”

“Beautiful name, I’m Alex”

“Nice to meet you Alex”

“Pleasure is all mine , now come meet my boys”

He took my hand in his as we walked over to a group of about ten lads all sat round a tiny fire drinking beers and smoking pot.

“Who’s this Alex?” One lad shouts

“This is Liv” he smiles “Liv meet the boys”

“Hey” I smile

“Hey gorgeous” A dark haired lad grinned at me, looking me up and down. Making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

“Can I get you a drink ?” Alex asked me


After about an hour I was very drunk. I was giggling and having a good time with the lads, I could feel my phone vibrating in my shorts pocket but I ignored it. I was having a good time, and Dan wasn’t going to ruin it for me.

“You want some?” The dark haired lad asked me, his name was Brian. I looked at the spliff in his hand and shook my head.

“You sure ?” he asked again and I nodded

“You ever done pot before?”

“Nope” I giggle

“Come on, it won’t kill you” he grinned passing me the joint.

“Okay then”

“Okay inhale into your lungs, not into your mouth, leave it there for a couple of seconds then exhale”

I did as I was told but burst out coughing the first time I took it.

“Okay , I said inhale into your lungs not your mouth” Brian laughs at me and I nod before taking a couple more drags of it.

This time I did it right and I couldnt stop laughing, it was gone straight to my head.

“Ahh she’s a giggler” Alex laughed

“I’m a what?” I laugh

“A giggler. Some people get angry on it, some get the munchies or paranoid. Everyone reacts differently…you giggle.”

“Ahh right” I giggle again

“Keep this for later” he winked at me, handing me another spiff. I placed it in my pocket before taking another swig of my beer.

Best Friends With Benefits & After The Benefits EndWhere stories live. Discover now