After The Benefits End - Part 53

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The day was finally here…August 16th.

I woke up to the sound of Soph mumbling ‘muma muma’ to herself through the baby monitor. I glanced at the clock on my beside unit, checking the time 6.15am, before throwing on my summer dressing gown and heading down the landing to Soph’s bedroom.

“Morning little lady” I smiled at her as a huge grin appeared on her face and her arms reached up to me. I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach knowing today was going to be the happiest day of my life but I wasn’t nervous, I was too excited to be nervous.

I sat Sophia in her high chair before feeding her her breakfast then had some myself. Taking her up to the bathroom I ran a bath for her, adding a few bubbles which she loved playing with. I carried her into her room to strip her off before hearing someone wandering down the landing.

“Evie you up?” I ask then hear the bedroom door open.

“Morning Mrs Sutton.” She grinned holding Thomas on her hip.

“Morning.” I replied grinning, before throwing Soph’s PJ’s into her washing basket. “I’m about to give Soph a bath if you want to pop TJ in as well?”

“Yea okay, I’ll feed him after.” She smiled before stripping him off. 

Watching the kids in the bath was so funny; their faces were a picture when the bubbles would pop in their mouths as they tried time and time again to eat them. I stood there talking with Evie about what was going to happen today whilst sipping on a brew. She was surprised with how calm and relaxed I was. And to be fair…so was I…but what did I need to be nervous about? I was about to marry the boy of my dreams, who I knew loved everything about me as I did him. He was my happy ever after and I couldn’t wait for our lives to begin as the Sutton’s.

I watched as Soph lifted her hand up to me which was covered in bubbles smiling, she did love them. “Bubbles.” I say smiling at her “Bubbles”

“Bub bub bub…” she mumbled back to me making me laugh.

“Shall we get them out and changed into something comfy whilst we start getting everything ready?” Evie asked

“Yea…I’m gona jump in the shower now so I’ll be ready for when everyone gets here to get ready. You okay to watch Soph?”

“Course , now get your pretty butt in the shower.”

The next half an hour I washed and shaved, making myself immaculate for later. I came out the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and head before going into the bedroom.

I moisturised my body before slipping on my very special wedding underwear. Taking my hair out of the towel I combed and dried it before putting it up into a scruffy bun. Evie had sorted out for me and all the girls to have matching tracksuit outfits for the wedding like I had done for hers. So I put on my grey bottoms and matching grey jacket that had Liv’s Wedding Party on the back. I didn’t bother putting on a vest as I wouldn’t be able to get it off later without ruining my hair.

Heading downstairs I found Evie on the carpet with the kids and Paige, Megan, Erin, Katy and Ruby sat on the sofa’s in their outfits, matching mine. Evie ran upstairs for her shower whilst me and the girls occupied the children.

“So you excited ?” Erin asked and I nodded passing Soph a blue brick so she could carry on building her tower.

“I can’t wait.”

“You’re much calmer than Evie.” Megan laughed

“Well to be fair she’d had a stressful night before trying to sort out her reception, plus she was pregnant.”

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