After The Benefits End - Part 47

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Waking up the next morning without setting an alarm was weird. We usually had a strict routine to stick to, making sure we were up and ready before going to see Luke and Dan’s families but this year we were doing that tomorrow...this was a nice change. 

Turning over, I noticed Dan was still asleep. I kissed his nose before climbing out of his bed and going down to my bathroom to sort myself out and brushing my teeth. Once I was finished I went back up to Dan’s room to find his bed empty. I could hear him in his bathroom so I left him to it and crawled back under his quilt. Even though I was wrapped up, I was bloody cold. One major downside to winter.

A couple of minutes later, Dan strolled out of his bathroom with a smile on his face. Getting back under under his quilt, he lay himself on top of me before pushing his lips onto mine for a sweet morning kiss.

“Merry Christmas baby.” I smile wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Merry Christmas beautiful.” he replied before kissing me again. 

Slowly running my tongue along his lip, he smiled into our kiss before opening his mouth allowing me to slip my tongue in. Rolling over so I was now lay on top of him, our kiss deepened and our hands began to roam, soon enough our pyjamas were shed all over the bedroom. Dan began loving me in what felt like an inch of my have to love Christmas morning sex. Both our lips red and swollen from our heavy kissing but I loved the feeling he gave me. His lips gently pressing against my neck leaving a trail on tingles across my body. Pressing a slow kiss against my neck, just under my ear made my whole body spazz, and I could feel Dan’s hot heavy breath against my neck. Turning my head to kiss his neck, I heard a low moan down my ear causing me to smile before his eyes locked on mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me...if that was possible, I pushed my lips onto his, yet never breaking eye contact. Feeling myself hit climax moments later, I moaned out Dan's name followed by "I Love You" for him to reply with the same response. Gently rolling off me to his side of the bed, he pulled me in close for our cuddle, moving my hair from my face.

“That was beyond perfect .” He whispered, slowly running his fingers up and down my back.

“I couldn’t agree more.” I replied leaning up to kiss him 

*knock knock*

We quickly pulled away as Dan pulled the quilt high up, covering me and wrapping his arm around me before shouting “Come in.”

Luke popped his head around the corner of the door laughing. 

“What?” I ask smiling

“Nothing...” he laughed “Nothing like Christmas morning sex right.”

“Shut up Luke.” I laugh cuddling up to Dan, only to see him wink at Luke. For this he received a light swat on his stomach causing him to laugh and pull me into a tight hug.

“What? Luke and Evie had the same idea as us this morning.” Dan laughed, causing me to roll me eyes at him

“Anyway the point of your visit Luke?” I ask.

“ and Evie were thinking. Morning of chilling in our PJ’s, have breakfast then sit and open our presents together.”

“I like the sound of that.” I smile before looking up at Dan who nodded in agreement.

“Okay, so breakfast in ten minutes then?” Luke asked.

“Yea.” Dan replied

Luke shut the door before opening it again. “Oh I forgot to say...Merry Christmas guys.”

“Merry Christmas Luke.” We both reply before he shut the door again.

Climbing out of bed, I slipped on my underwear before putting on my dressing gown. “Gonna go get changed.” I say to Dan before going down to my room, slipping on some clean underwear and my Christmas reindeer onzie. I brushed my hair before shoving it up into a high scruffy bun and putting some tinted moisturiser on my face.

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