After The Benefits End - Part 36

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*Liv’s POV*

[I miss this, I miss you, I miss us. Love you Romeo xxx (picture)]

I clicked on the picture and there was the picture of me and Dan from when we were in Manchester.

"Everything okay?" Lucien asks me. Moving my gaze that was fixated on my phone to him.

"Everything’s fine." I reply clicking off the picture and putting it back into my bag. 

"Would you like to dance?" He smiles getting off his stool and putting out his hand for me to take

"Love to." I reply downing the rest of my drink. I got off my stool but slipped slightly, luckily Lucien caught me.

“‘Easy there .” He smiled holding onto my arm

“Thanks.” I giggle, straightening myself up. I was hammered.

As we got into the middle of the dance floor, Lucien grabbed my hips, pulling me close to him. 

This was slightly closer than I was expecting.

"You got a boyfriend?" He asks, his lips next to my ear

What do I say? 

*Dan POV*

I was curled up under my quilt when I heard my phone vibrating. I practically jumped out of my bed...just incase it was my baby girl.

*Chris Calling*

I sighed before answering:

Me: What up bruv?

Chris: Dan what you doing now?

Me: Nothing, I’m at home why?

Chris: You need to come out

Me: Why? Chris I can’t be arsed coming out, where are you anyway, it’s loud.

Chris: I’m in Movida, you need to come...

Me: I can’t be arsed mate...have fun

Chris: No you need to, Liv’s here and she’s hammered

Me: Chris she’s not here, she’s gone somewhere.

Chris: No seriously mate, I’ve just seen her. She was sat at the bar and there’s a lad talking to her.

Me: What?

Chris: She’s hammered mate, they’re on the dance floor now somewhere but it’s that know

Me: No I don’t who is it?

Chris: That Amy’s sister boy

Me: Lucien?

Chris: Yea that’s him, you coming down or shall I go get her?

Me: Go get her; I’m on my way out the door as we speak.

Chris: Okay, see ya soon

Me: Cheers mate

I hang up the phone as I slip on my trainers by the front door. I can’t believe she’s been in London this whole time.

“Dan where you going?” Luke asks popping his head around the corner of the sofa

“To get Liv....long story. I’ll explain later, I need to go.” I reply grabbing my car keys slamming the door behind me.

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