Best Friends With Benefits - Part 6

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"You alright Dan?" I ask him placing my arms on his shoulders and he nods, flashing me a cheeky grin. 

As his fingers began stroking against my hips, I smiled at his touch. His body now firmly pushed up against mine, our stomachs touching...our chests...our foreheads. 

He glanced down at my lips before biting down on his bottom lip sexily, looking me in the eyes. I could feel his warm breath blowing gently against my lips. My legs felt like jelly, like they were about to collapse underneath me at any second but I felt safe as Dan's hands were still firmly at my waist. The butterflies were fluttering around my stomach like they were trying to escape and all of a sudden my mouth was as dry as sandpaper. 

We didn't move though, we just stared at each other, our eyes locked in this moment. His eyes were beautiful, could make any girl melt just at the sight of them. No wonder girls always flocked to him. 

My lips felt so dry, I slowly licked them with my tongue, moistening them.

The next thing I knew Dan’s lips were pushed up against mine. I automatically kissed him back quickly before pulling away. 

“Err night Dan" I whispered unable to look him in the eye. I'd just kissed by best friend on the lips, that's not supposed to happen. I got to the kitchen door when he grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him, pushing his lips onto mine once more. 

This time his tongue traced my lips gently. I separated my lips slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue in. As he massaged it against mine I realised what an amazing kisser he was. My arms around his neck pulling him closer as his were wrapped around my waist, keeping me there. 

I pulled away gasping for breath, "Dan, what are we doing? We shouldn't be doing this" I say quickly and he nods pushing his lips onto mine again. This time with more passion, and I was too drunk to push him away. 


He backed me up to the kitchen table and I felt my back hit the wood before his arms under my bum lifting me up. Our tongues battling one another’s like we were at war. His hands pushing my legs apart so he could stand closer to me, his fingers tracing my thigh under my dress before ending on my bum. His lips moved from mine, dropping tender kisses onto my neck. A slight moan escaped my lips as I lent my head back allowing his lips to go lower. I could feel him smiling against my neck, as his lips continued down my neck and onto my chest.

“Dan what are we doing?” I gasp breathlessly; his hands now back on my thighs.

He removed his lips from the base of my neck, bringing his eyes to mine. “We’re best friends, what are we doing? We don’t do this?” I say to him

“I duno, but I can’t help but want you right now.” He whispered against my lips before crushing them with his again. “uh huh” my reply was when we parted.

I began kissing down his neck, hearing him moan down my ear was really turning me on. My best friend was turning my on...what was wrong with me?

I pulled away catching my breath and pushed him off me, getting off the table. I put my head in my hands walking towards the door. 

“Liv what’s wrong?” Dan whispered, his strong arms wrapping around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.

I turn around and look at him, my gorgeous best friend. He actually made my heart skip a beat. “We’re drunk, we shouldn’t be doing this”

“Why not? You want it just as much as I do.” He replied smiling at me, backing me up against the wall.

“Do I?” I asked him, but asking myself as well. Did I want to go further with him? My best friend?

“Yes” he whispered taking my hand and running my fingers down his torso, sinking my hand into his boxers.

I didn’t move my hand out, instead I began to pleasure him. I watched as he closed his eyes and bit down on his perfect pink lips. “Oh my god” he moaned resting his head against mine, looking me directly in the eyes. His hands slowly started moving up my bare thighs and round onto my bum and staying there.

With my spare hand I began un-buttoning his shirt, allowing my hand to run down his toned chest and abs.

His lips met mine once again, brushing them gently. “This is only because we’re drunk right?” I whisper to him and he nods, pushing his lips back onto mine, his body closer, as my hand continued to move down his pants. His hands now rubbing against my knickers, I bit down on his lip before kissing him as I felt his fingers slip inside me. 

He was really good at this, really good. My breathing was becoming very erratic and heavy. 

I was so close when I felt Dan cum in my hand and his head drop onto my shoulder as his ragged breathing blew down my neck. I wiped my hand on his boxers before pulling my hand out and gripping onto his shirt as Dan twisted his hand around, rubbing his thumb over my very sensitive area, making me fall apart in his arms. 

“Let’s go upstairs” he whispered removing his hand and I nodded slowly.

“We don’t have to you know?” he smiled, stroking my cheek with his other hand.

“No I want to; I’m so horny right now…and you need to fix that” I giggle and a cheeky grin spreads across his face. He pushes his lips against mine before taking my hand and walking through the living room and up the stairs to our bedrooms. 

“Mine or yours?” He smiles

“Well mine is here, yours is up another flight of stairs” I grin pulling his hand into my bedroom, locking the door behind us.

“Now where were we” he grinned pressing his body against mine.

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