Friends With Benefits - Epilogue

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“I cannot believe you are making me watch this again Dan.” I sighed hiding my head in his chest as we watched paranormal activity.

“ come one, you’ve seen it already. You know what happens.”

“I’ve not seen this one, I only watched the first. This is the third.” I replied sternly refusing to look at the screen.

“So watch it then , you know what will happen.”

“If I get nightmares I swear to god…” I sighed moving my head towards the TV screen. The camera was in the living room flicking between that and the kitchen. It turned to the lounge then slowly back to the kitchen and then back again. I could feel the tension, and the music was getting eerie. 

“Something’s going to happen.”

“Shh .” Dan laughed squeezing me tighter into him.

One second the baby sitter was sat on the kitchen chair and then when the camera moved back she was gone. I could feel the nervous butterflies fighting to get out my stomach as the camera flicked back from the living room to the kitchen.

“BOOOO.” The baby sitter screamed into the camera. Causing me to scream like a little girl, flinging my arms over my face and pouncing into Dan’s lap.

“Turn it off.”

“Awwww baby.” Dan laughed at me pausing the movie.

“No this isn’t funny Dan please.” I whispered. My heart beat was going so fast I thought it was going to burst through my chest.

“Okay baby, nine years on and you still can’t take it hey.” He smiled rubbing my back as I leant on him.


“Least I’ll have you cuddled up to me in bed again like last time.”

“Ahh yea…my knight in shining armour.” I laughed “Can we watch a nice movie now please?”

“‘Sure…what would you like?”

It was literally like the movie night we had with Evie and Luke nine year earlier but just the two of us now. 

Cuddled up on the sofa with my boy on a Friday night watching The Notebook was just perfect. I knew Dan had put this on as it was my favourite and would take my mind off the thing from the other movie.

I heard a creak on the stairs so I got up to investigate. Dan looked up at me but I just smiled and walked out into the hallway. I stood at the bottom on the stairs and saw our five year old daughter Ellie Nicole sat on the stairs, her favourite teddy tucked under one of her arms as she sucked on her thumb.

“What you doing up baby?” I ask walking up the stairs to her.

“I heard you scream mummy. Are you okay?” she asked scared.

“Aww baby, yea mummy’s okay. Daddy was making me watch a scary movie and I didn’t like it, but I made him change it to a nice one now.” I reply pulling her onto my lap as we sat on the stairs together.

“Watch Sweeping Beauty mummy. That’s a nice one.” She smiled

“Yea, I ask him to put it on.” I whispered and she smiled leaning her head on mine. She was obsessed with Disney Princess movies.

“Come on baby, let’s get you back to bed, it’s late.”

“No mummy. I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.” She cried, wrapping her arms around me; clinging to my neck.

“Ellie you need to go to sleep.” I replied trying to pull her away gently.

“Noooo mummy. I’m scared now too.” She cried not loosening her grip.

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