Best Friends With Benefits - Part 11

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I slipped my dress back on as Dan got changed. “I love it when you take charge like that” Dan smirked at me through the mirror.

“I’ll remember that for next time” I wink at him

“I can’t wait”

I made sure that I looked presentable in the mirror before walking towards his door.

“Before you go” Dan grinned, pinning me up against the wall pushing his lips onto mine. I opened up my mouth allowing his tongue to brush against mine.

“Better” I grin pulling away gently

“Much better. But I seem to have bitten down on your neck” he grinned

“Ahh Dan. How am I gona get away with that?” I laugh looking at it in the mirror.

“I’ll think of something” he winked at me following me out his bedroom door. We made our way downstairs laughing and joking, acting completely normal. Maybe this friends with benefits was going to work.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself another drink and walked into the garden where Dan was talking to Evie.

“Hey” I smile at them and Dan winks at me cheekily.

“Oh my god Liv” Evie laughed at me grabbing my neck, she’d spotted it.

“What?” I ask

“You have a love bite, who you been kissing?”

“Errr...” I say looking at the floor. How the hell was I gona get out of this?

“I bit her” Dan laughed and my eyes widened at him.

“Why the hell would you give her a hicky?” Evie looked at him weirdly.

“We were messing around and she grabbed my bollocks, so I got my revenge” he grinned.

“You two need to stop touching each other” Evie laughed at us.

“Blame him, he’s always horny” I cheekily grin at him.

“True. Anymore slags coming to pay you a visit anytime soon?” Evie grinned.

“No none, I’m a changed man”

“Yea okay” she laughs rolling her eyes at him and he winks at me.

We carried on drinking the night away and I got talking to a friend of Luke’s, his name was Jayden. I wasn’t sure where Dan was, last time I saw him he was chatting to his ex-girlfriend Amy. I don’t know why she was even here. She hated me as much as I hated her; and she didn’t like how close me and Dan were.

I stumbled up the stairs as everyone began to leave, it was about five in the morning and the sun was coming up. My hand was holding someone’s as I walked into my bedroom. I shut my door behind me and took off my dress leaving me in my underwear.


I turned to see Jayden stood by my wardrobe in his boxers.

I smiled at him and slipped on my bed top, climbing into bed as he stood there.

“You getting in?” I slurred and he nodded getting in the other side.

He began kissing up my neck and onto my lips. I pushed my tongue into his mouth as his hand began to rise up my leg.

I wasn’t ready for anything to happen yet, “Not just yet hey” I smile at him and he nods moving his hand to my waist and pushing his lips onto mine.

“Night ” he whispered

“Night Jay”

I turned over and he wrapped his arms around me.

Best Friends With Benefits & After The Benefits EndWhere stories live. Discover now