Best Friends With Benefits - Part 1

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[Short Authors Note]

To begin with these chapters are all really short, I used to post this on another site where there was a word limit. They do bulk up though as you read though :) I posted this up in one big bulk so there are no A/N as you go along.

I've edited my story, as I wanted to change the character names, so if there are some i've missed please point them out and I know I use the word 'babe' a lot so i've edited it and removed them.
This story could still use a lot more work, the storyline isn't the best, the grammar is horrible and the plot needs thickening out but right now I'm currently writing something new, I'll get around to it when I can. :/

But if you are enjoying it please hit up the vote button and leave me feedback, I do appreciate it.

And go fan/follow me :) Anyway...thanks for reading...x

Part 1

"No no no" I shouted, hiding my head in my hands.

"Liv, it's gone now" Daniel laughed

"I'm not watching anymore of this movie"

"Come on, it's not that bad" Evie giggled

"She just got fucking dragged out a fucking ghost spirit thing or whatever" I replied, my eyes still fully shut. "You got to be taking the piss if you want to watch more of it."

I felt someone's warm arms wrap around me. I pressed my head onto their chest and inhaled. It was Dan. I smiled to myself; my best friend always looked after me, especially when I was scared.

"I'll protect you "

"Thanks Dan, but I'm still not watching it."

"It's nearly finished." Luke says

"Fine, but I'm not watching. I'm hiding here."

I felt Dan squeeze me tight as they resumed the movie. "Fucking Paranormal Activity bollocks." I mumble, I felt Dan chuckle, he must of heard me.

I kept stealing glances at the screen, it was horrible. How any normal person can like watching this is beyond me.

I leant my head against Dan's chest again, waiting for the movie to be over.

I turned my head not long later, just as some girl screamed at the camera.  

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed, making all the others jump then burst out laughing as I buried my head back into Dan's chest,

"Friggin hell Liv, you made me jump then, not the movie." Evie giggled

"Whatever" I laughed. "Next movie, I'm sooo choosing."

I spent the rest of the evening trying to forget about that movie.

"I'm going to bed guys" I say sitting up from Dan

"Okay " He says pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek "Night"

I go over and hug Luke and Evie then head up to bed.

I lived with Dan, Luke and Evie. Evie was my twin. We were identical in every way, the only way mum could tell us apart when we were younger was the small pear shaped birthmark on my stomach.

We had the same long straight blonde hair, same piercing green eyes, we were the same height, same size and had the same cheeky infectious laugh. She knew everything about me and vice versa. She was my best friend.

Then there was Dan, I'd known him since we were two years old at playgroup. We soon became best friends, and then when we got to infants we met Luke. The four of us have been inseparable ever since.  

I got to my room and got changed into my shorts and t-shirt, then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I curled up under my quilt and switched off my lamp. I checked my face-book on my phone, nothing new or interesting; same on twitter...BORING.

@Olivia_Williams: Paranormal Activity is one seriously fucked up movie! :/

I locked my phone and placed it on the side. My head hit the pillow, hoping I'd fall asleep soon. 

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