After The Benefits End - Part 29

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Turning over the page where there were more doodles I’d stuck down, pictures, quotes and saying’s we’d come across. 

A few pages later we found another family photo from mine and Evie’s thirteenth birthday. We had a huge pyjama party so me and Evie had matching ones on but in different colours, even our parents were in some.

Next came all our high school photo’s, random days out and school trips. Some from when we went to summer camp. There was one picture from when we had visited the Zoo with school and Dan was in the chipmunk house, the monkey behind him against the window. There was a piece of paper stuck underneath saying ‘If I was an animal, I’d be a monkey. I’m cheeky like that...I can’t help it.’

I laughed looking at it as did Dan. “I can’t believe you kept all this.”

“It came in handy.” I smiled as he continued to flick over the pages to where I had stuck in bits of writing from my leaving book at the end of year eleven.

There was a page dedicated to Me and Luke, with some stupid photo’s I’d taken, something he’d wrote in my leaving book and random doodles. The next being dedicated to me and Dan.

There was a picture of me and him at our prom. No one had asked me to it, so Dan did. Even though he had practically all the girls in our year waiting for him to ask them...he chose me.

His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and us cheesy grinning at the camera.

“This book is amazing , how have I never seen it?”

“No one has, it’s just a keep sake book I decided to make.”

“It’s amazing.”

On the page for me and Dan there was random pieces of school book paper stuck in from where Dan had attacked my book with his writing doodles.

‘You smell, so flowers.’

‘Your skirt is short today ;) I can nearly see your bottom :O’

‘I <3 You’

‘I love the smell of your hair.’

‘You are my best friend Tink...NEVER forget that.’

“As if you kept all these.” Dan laughed 

“I just ripped them out of my school books. You wrote pretty much all over them.”

“I got bored easily.”

“I know, hence why we always ended up in after school detentions as I always got blamed for your sillyness.”

“Don’t go blaming me now; you were as much to blame as me for giggling in class.”

“I suppose.” I reply smiling at him

“I remember our prom night.” Dan says to me as I look back at the picture of us.

“Yea me too.”

“Was a great night.”

“Yea until you ditched me for that slag Shanice.”

“I never left you.”

“Yea you did. You left me sat at our table with Evie, Ryan, Luke and Sarah while you went and lost your virginity to her.”

“Okay so I may have left you briefly, but I never slept with her.”

“Dan it’s fine. You don’t have to lie to me, it was five years ago.”

“I’m not lying. I never slept with Shanice.”

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