After The Benefits End - Part 48

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Waking up on Boxing Day cuddled up to my boy, I didn’t want to get up.

“Come on baby…mum’s expecting us at eleven.”

“Okay…but five more minutes of cuddles please first.” I smile, turning over in his grip to smile up at him

“Five minutes.” He grinned before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. “Morning.”

“Morning” I replied before cuddling into his chest

Eventually getting out of bed and getting ready. I went downstairs to make breakfast. Saying goodbye to Evie and Luke before leaving. I made sure that we had given them Luke’s parents presents off Dan and I and them vice versa. I was looking forward to seeing Siobhan and everyone, had been a few weeks since the wedding so me and Siobhan had a lot of catching up to do.

We left our luggage in the living room as we were planning on coming back tomorrow before heading to the airport.

Soon enough we were pulling into the ever so familiar road of the Sutton’s, think I was more excited to see Dan’s family than he was. Dan grabbed out overnight bags from the boot of his car as I made my way to the front door to let us in. Knocking quickly before letting myself in, this house was practically my second home growing up so there was no need for me to be shy.

“Siobhan?” I shout walking through the door and taking my coat off.

“Kitchen .” I heard her reply.

I left the door a-jar for Dan before heading to my favourite place in his house. Siobhan was an amazing cook; my mouth was practically drooling as I walked through.

“How you doing ?” she asks wiping her hands on a towel before embracing me in a hug

“Good. How about you?”

“I’m good.”

“House is quiet, where is everyone?”

“Shop...bloody forgot cream and strawberries for my dessert.” She smiled as did I “I know you love strawberries.”

“As usual.” I laugh

“You still craving them?”

“Yea…but less as the weeks go by…but then I’ll get the urge for them…like now.”

“It happens , your cravings change throughout your pregnancy.”

A few seconds later Dan wandered into the kitchen hugging his mum. “Let’s go catch up whilst no one’s here…I want to hear all about what’s going on with the baby.”

We follow Siobhan into the living room, her sitting down on one sofa whilst Dan and I take up residence on the other. “So how’s everything going?” she asks

“Good yea…nothing much happening just yet, hardly even got a bump.”

“Ahh don’t rush it , it’ll be over before you know it and you’ll love being pregnant. It’s the most amazing experience…for both of you.”

Dan leant in kissing the side of my head ever so gently causing me to smile and lean into him further. “I still can’t believe it took you two this long to get together.”

“What you mean mum?” Dan asked linking his fingers through mine and pulling me in close.

“Well me and your mum Liv used to discuss how you two would get together. We could see it all along, all through high school you two would never get on with each other’s girl or boyfriends, and you didn’t like the fact the other had someone who wasn’t you.”

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