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The sound of his fingers rapidly moving over the keyboard was all that you could hear. His apartment was neglected long ago, delivery food everywhere and dirty clothes adorning every single piece of furniture that used to be visible in the small studio apartment.

Three monitors stood on a desk, a monster of a computer next to the desk, as it doesn't fit under it for it is too big. A boy was seated on the very comfortable looking chair in front of the black wooden desk, his eyes fixated on the screen.

'Access denied' showed up on the screen in big red letters, making the boy sigh in irritation.

''god dammit!'' he swore, his eyes clenching shut. He slammed his hand flat on his desk, the banging noise ringing through the room. He had hoped to get into the website tonight, so that he would be able to change his grades.

But, the website of the school had a terribly well done security system. Jungkook wasn't all too familiar with this system, mainly because it was very old. The younger boy was more experienced with newer security systems, while his school used one of the last century.

He tried again, his fingers rapidly moving across the keyboard once more. Jungkook's face came closer more and more to the monitor he had in the middle, in front of his seat, as he progressed with hacking the password of his English teacher.

Jungkook was a good student, English just wasn't his forte, which meant he would probably not be able to continue his Major for programming because of it. His English teacher was an old woman, who didn't understand the system Jungkook's college used to display grades. So, the younger didn't feel any guilt as finally the green letters showed up on his screen:

'Access prohibited.' The password of the old woman could be found all the way down the page, so Jungkook copied it. He quickly faced the monitor on the left and pasted it on its rightful place.

'succesfully logged in.' Jungkook yelped in happiness. He quickly searched for his class information and found himself in the woman her system. He clicked on his name and changed his grade to a 70.

Which, isn't his best but it isn't bad either, and less suspicious.

''all there is to do now, is to pretend like the 70 was always there.'' Jungkook smiled to himself, stretching his tall body.


''Someone hacked into the school website for teachers yesterday around eleven at night.'' Min Kyosoonim started his nine am class with those words. Jungkook slouched in his seat as the short male started walking around the room filled with computers.

Min Kyosoonim was Jungkook's MT teacher, and a very handsome man, may he add. The male was blonde at the moment, but he changed his hair quite often. The man was approximately twenty four years old, which made him four years older than Jungkook was.

''Why do you tell us that Kyosoonim?'' One boy from the back asked, making the professor chuckle.

''You guys program for your major, I'm pretty sure you are the only ones on this school who would be able to hack the school website. '' the professor said, spinning a pen in his hand. The man took a seat on one of the empty tables and searched the room.

His eyes halted when they arrived at Taehyung, making Jungkook chuckle. The professor returned to scanning the room and Taehyung gave Jungkook an elbow between the ribs.

''asshole.'' The older one said, making Jungkook giggle.

''So,'' the professor spoke once more, ''I'm only going to ask this once, who did it?'' no one in the room moved even an inch. After a few moments of complete and utter silence the professor sighed.

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