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Yoongi smiled as he saw Taehyung and Jungkook talk in the hallway of the tech building. Yoongi didn't go up to the two, he just watched from a distance. Only for a few seconds though, because he felt like he was interfering.

Yoongi walked off, his bag strap clutched in his hand. It had happened twice so far that someone mistook him for a student, and Yoongi could understand why. He was young and usually came to school in a blouse and some regular skinny jeans, unlike other professors.

Yoongi kept on walking until he was outside. The sun was shining after a while and it was as if everything bad that had happened in the past few days had been swept away with the dark clouds, replacing for some good times as the sun finally shone brightly.

Yoongi grabbed his phone and unlocked it, opening his messages with Hoseok.

To hoseok, 3:35 PM:

Hey hoseok, u up for some coffee??

Yoongi pocketed his phone again after making sure his sound was on. He walked down the flight of stairs and onto the pavement, making his way off of campus. People around him were talking, laughing, smiling and yelling and it made Yoongi happy and sad at the same time.

He only had Hoseok left from his group of friends in college. The rest of them all either moved, passed away or just lost contact. It saddened Yoongi that he was basically alone, Hoseok being the only person. Of course, the younger was always there for him and a better friend than Yoongi deserved, but Yoongi wanted someone to wake up to.

He thought he was starting some things up with Jungkook, but the younger seemed bothered by something, and he didn't want to interfere with that. He wanted the younger to come to him. So, he waited.

Yoongi was almost at his car when he heard his notification sound. He smiled and grabbed his phone, reading the message,

From hoseok, 3:39 PM:

Yeah sure, I'll be at your apartment in a few and we can get some coffee down the street? Maybe even share dinner later on?

Yoongi smiled, quickly typing a response,

To hoseok, 3:40 PM:

yeah that's cool, we can cook something or go out?

From hoseok, 3:40 PM:

Oooh cooking! Haven't done that in ages!

To Hoseok, 3:41 PM:

Cooking it is then, see you in a bit ^^

From hoseok, 3:41 PM:

See u in a bit :3

Yoongi unlocked his car and opened his door, throwing his bag in first. He then sat down behind the wheel and turned on his car. Before he could drive away, he saw Jungkook leave the gate. The younger seemed to be very deep in thought and he turned the corner on his own. Where was Taehyung? Yoongi thought.

But, he shrugged. As much as it hurt to watch Jungkook be so deep in thought that it was probably a bad thing without Yoongi having any sort of idea what is was about, he couldn't do anything about it at this point in time.

So, the older turned his wheel and drove away.


''I forgot how fun it was to cook!'' Hoseok said as he grabbed his chopsticks. Yoongi smiled. 

The room fell silent after that, just the sounds of them eating could be heard. Yoongi ate and after he was done, he put his chopsticks down and just watched Hoseok finish his meal.

''well that was really good.'' Yoongi said, complimenting Hoseok's cooking skill. ''I know right! We should cook more often.'' Yoongi nodded at that. They both stood up and took their bowls and side dish plates to the kitchen. Hoseok turned on the coffee machine and left the kitchen after that, but Yoongi stayed and sighed as he saw the left overs, he would be eating Mung bean porridge for the next couple of days.

He quickly wrapped the left overs into foil and put it in the fridge. He made two cups of coffee and made his way towards the living room. Yoongi smiled as he entered, seeing that Hoseok had turned on a movie to watch.

''which one is it today?'' Yoongi asked as he handed one cup to a smiling Hoseok. The younger giggled and said, ''it's Pirates of the Caribbean two. I haven't watched that one in a while.'' Yoongi sighed, ''that one is so old!'' Hoseok giggled and shrugged, ''I don't care.''

''fine.'' Yoongi surrendered and sat down on his couch. Hoseok clapped in his hands and pressed play.

Half way into the movie Yoongi sensed that Hoseok wasn't awake anymore, so he turned it off. He grabbed his laptop to finish off some work he had to do for the Guards and decided he would call it a day after that.

But, the second he got into the chatroom, he sensed something was off. Only one other person was online, and everyone else was gone.

ghaEMei; the Mandela's won.

Yoongi frowned as he read the message a couple of times. He was in shock, how could they possibly have won?

MiYo98: what do you mean?

ghaEMei: they started a killing spree among our members. Two have already been murdered and I would advise you to leave this chatroom and erase your information in the database, or you'll be one of the next.



This is all part of my plan (something I don't have whooooooooohooooooo) I'm just writing out of the top of my head and trying to connect the stories, and I think it's going pretty decent.


Oh also attack on titan season three got announced yesterday and Aksjskisisi that's such a long time! Compared to the wait for season two it's nothing but still >_<

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x D.

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