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trigger warning: violence, cussing, abuse.

''how'd you like the movie?'' Yoongi asked, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's waist. The younger blushed, his body immediately heating up. He shrugged, ''I mean, the story plot sucked, but I loved Chris, so.'' Yoongi snickered, ''Chris is indeed a nice fella to look at.''

It fell silent as the two boys made their way to the parking lot of the cinema venue. Just as Yoongi opened the passenger seat car door to let Jungkook in, his phone rang. ''Sorry, I have to take it.'' The male said as he saw it was Hoseok. Jungkook nodded and sat down in the car, closing the door.

Yoongi sighed as he answered the call. ''Hoseok, I'm currently on a date.'' Yoongi snapped at his best friend, but he didn't hear anything. The only thing he could hear was yelling and screaming. Yoongi's eyes widened as he recognized Hoseok's scream and was taken back to the third year of college, where Yoongi watched his best friend mentally break down.

It was Hoseok's scream for help.

Yoongi was quick to rush to his door, opening it and closing it harshly. ''Wha-''

''Something's wrong with Hoseok. We have to go.'' Jungkook nodded, shutting up. Yoongi started the car and sped off the parking lot, leaving the cinema behind. Jungkook slowly put a hand on Yoongi's thigh to calm the older down. Yoongi smiled a small smile at Jungkook. ''It's going to be fine.'' Jungkook whispered, looking at Yoongi's side profile.

Yoongi was frowning deeply as he sped through red lights and ignored stop signs. All he could imagine was scenarios where Hoseok was hurt, unconscious or, worse, dead. It led to Yoongi speeding up and it scared Jungkook, but he didn't say anything.

He would've done the exact same thing for Taehyung.

Yoongi shut the car off right in front of Hoseok's apartment building, and he rushed out of the car. Jungkook hurriedly followed him, rushing behind him. Yoongi ran up the six flights of stairs, Jungkook right on his tail. Yoongi fumbled with his keys and was able to find the spare one he had gotten from Hoseok, unlocking the door and storming in.

''Hoseok?!'' He yelled. He ran through the hallway into the living room, and his next words were held back by the image in front of him. Hoseok was displayed on the floor, his eyes closed and his body adorned with bruises. Kayoun just sat there, on the couch, as if his boyfriend wasn't unconscious on the floor.

''Yoo-'' Jungkook his breath stopped as he walked into the living room. Hoseok was on the floor, but what him scared and startled him the most was his ex-boyfriend sitting on the couch. Jungkook completely froze, his legs going limb as he fell to the ground. He fell on his knees, supporting himself with the strength he had left in his arms.

''Ju-'' Yoongi was interrupted by a can of beer hitting the floor right next to Jungkook's left knee. ''Look who we have here. Jeon Jungkookie, back on his knees. The poor soul.'' Jungkook clenched his eyes shut as he let Kayoun's voice echo through his body, chills running up and down his spine as he held back tears.

He found himself back in their old apartment, screaming for help while Kayoun was doing his business with Jungkook. Back in the kitchen, being thrown at with plates and knives.

''Don't talk to him like that!'' Yoongi growled, pulling Jungkook out of his trance. Kayoun grinned as he stood up. He held up a pocket knife, ''what are you going to do about it, twink?'' Kayoun asked. Yoongi gulped as he eyed Kayoun's physique.

Kayoun was well built. His arms and legs looked muscular. His eyes were narrow and he was at least three inches taller than Yoongi himself. And he was armed, unlike anyone else in this room. ''That's right, you can't do anything about it.'' Kayoun chuckled evilly as he passed a frozen Yoongi.

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