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''Jeon Jungkook,'' the professor threw some papers on the table Jungkook was sitting on. The class had ended, and it was the younger his turn to be interviewed. ''you do have some skill, if I look at your work.''

''thank you sir.'' The younger commented, making the professor smirk.

''I'm also almost one hundred percent sure that you know that you have quite some skill.'' The professor was taunting him, and Jungkook knew that. He smiled friendly at the teacher, because hey, he was very handsome.

Jungkook found himself thinking about the blond male quite a lot, during and outside of class. Now, jungkook knew he was gay, but did it come as a shock to him that he wanted his MT teacher.

''I do, sir,'' Jungkook commented on his professors conclusion. ''I worked really hard for it, sir.'' Jungkook carried on, making Yoongi shrug.

''We all did, Jeon. That's how you climb the ladder in this world,'' he sat down on the chair he had put down a few moments prior, gazing over at Jungkook with his eye's squinted. ''but we're not here to talk about philosophical bullcrap. Did you hack into the school website?''

Jungkook chuckled mockingly, shaking his head. ''I did not do such a thing, sir. Why would I?'' Jungkook asked, making Yoongi roll his eyes. The older moved a bit in his seat, his back now against the rest.

''I'm the one asking questions here. Did you hack it or not, be honest,'' He waited for an answer and Jungkook shook his head once more. ''well then you're done here. But, if I find out you did it, I'll make sure that you get punished for it.''

Jungkook was so tempted to say something back, to knock the professor silent with his words, but he decided against it. He nodded, stood up from the chair and placed it back against the table neatly. He nodded at Yoongi once more before walking towards the door and walking out.

''That didn't take long.'' Taehyung said as Jungkook walked up to him. The older of the two handed Jungkook his backpack and a coffee, making the younger thank him. The older waved him off, mentioning for him to start talking about what went down.

''well he asked if I did it or not. I said I didn't and he just threatened that he would find out if it was me.'' Taehyung scoffed. Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him, making the older laugh a little.

''I know you did it Jungkook, it's no secret to me.'' Jungkook smacked his shoulder. They started walking, and Jungkook thought of something to defend himself.

''why would I hack the school system?''

''I'm your best friend, I know you were failing English,'' Jungkook sighed, ''that is, until you changed it.'' Taehyung chuckled as Jungkook just fell silent.

''I had to do it. If I fail English, I won't be able to finish this year.''

''Hey, I'm not attacking you. I just hope you used your usual plan.'' Jungkook nodded at that, he did indeed use the power house a few blocks over.

''he won't catch you then.''


''for what?'' the older sounded genuinely confused, making Jungkook giggle.

''for not ratting me out just then.'' Taehyung scoffed,

''as if I would do that.''



Yoongi sighed as he opened the door to his apartment. He shuffled inside, kicking off his shoes and closing the door. He turned on the light and soon enough his living room came in sight. He dropped his jacket and bag on the floor and made his way towards the desk that stood against the wall.

He cracked his fingers as he sat down, turning on his computer. He was quick to open his last project, the Java numbers and words quickly loading. He opened a chat window and put on his headset, turning the mic on.

''what can I do today?'' He said, waiting for an answer.

''Good evening to you to, MiYo98. It's time to set up the time table and retrieve the passcodes. We need those so we can finish the project and send it away. Don't mess it up.'' A man said. His voice was scruffy, as if he had smoked a few cigarettes before turning on his microphone.

''Any information on the Mandela's?'' Yoongi asked, and he heard the person on the other line sigh.

''The spy said they already have the passcodes and everything planned out. They're just waiting for the disposal of the information.'' Yoongi sighed, nodding.

''Alright, seems like I have to work some magic.'' He said, making the man chuckle.

''Hell yeah you do. Be sure to track who's on the site every now and then, a little birdy told me some Mandela's are hunting for our guys.''

''Will do.'' And the connection was cut off. Yoongi took off his headset but still kept the chatroom window open. He closed the project he had opened a few moments prior, it being for one of his classes. He opened up another window and started typing rapidly.

The time table wasn't that hard to come by. Around seven at night the extra security of the website would turn on, the information being secured on the website at 7:30. He sent it to the chatroom, knowing no one would track that since the organisation made it themselves.

The organisation had picked up on some information about what the election would consist of this year, and this information would bring in a lot of money, since every single type of media would like to be the first to tell the civilians.

All there was to do now was beating the Mandela's to it. Another organisation that found out about the project through some of the guys Yoongi worked with. They were in the lead right now, it seemed, but Yoongi was sure they would catch up and retrieve the information faster than the Mandela's would.

He opened up the website and immediately started what he needed to do. He opened up the website information window and immediately started changing some codes, hoping he would be able to do it easily. He frowned as he checked his third monitor and saw someone else was active on the website. A someone named Raven98 was also typing in some codes, making it harder for Yoongi to log onto the website.

He groaned,

''leave. Heard you already had all the information you needed.'' He typed, and crossed his arms. He sat back, awaiting for the other person to type something in return. It took a few seconds, but the sentence began deleting itself and another one came into its place,

''nothing is more fun that annoying the enemy, my friend.''


hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm in love with writing this story o my lord it's so much fun. Also, English is not my first language so grammatical errors (ha see what I did there) are not hard to find lol.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment, and I'll see you guys next chapter!

x D.

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