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''Jungkook! You can't just do that!'' Yoongi yelped, Jungkook's cold hands around Yoongi's bare waist. The older was making coffee before they both had to go to work, and Jungkook was being a little shit by teasing Yoongi.

''I can!'' Jungkook retorted, shifting his hands to touch more of Yoongi's bare torso. ''Stop it!'' Yoongi swatted Jungkook's cold hands away, ''it's cold!'' Jungkook giggled, ''that's kind of the point.''

Yoongi smiled and turned around, grabbing Jungkook's face in his hands and kissing the younger slowly. The boy responded immediately, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck and melting into the older his touch.

After Yoongi was released from the hospital, Jungkook graduated. Yoongi was there to celebrate with him and Jungkook's friends. Hoseok got out of the hospital a few months after that. Jungkook offered him his apartment, and the younger moved in with Yoongi. Hoseok bought a new apartment soon after that, and everything was okay once more.

Kayoun's trial was finished quickly. After he was caught cops searched his house, not his and Hoseok's apartment, apparently the male had another house close to the country, which was full of evidence of his crimes. He had indeed committed a few of the murders from Yoongi's hacking group. He was charged with murder, attempted murder and abuse. He was locked up for his life.

And now, four years after everything had happened. Yoongi and Jungkook were engaged and lift in a two story apartment in the middle of Seoul. Jimin and Taehyung moved in next door after Jimin his dancing career took off, making him one of the best known dancers around the country.

Everything was finally okay.

Whenever Jungkook thought back to his time with Kayoun, he would just look at Yoongi and smile to himself, knowing he had found his forever.

Yoongi handed Jungkook a cup of coffee, making the younger smile. ''when are you off today?'' Jungkook frowned at that question, trying to think. ''I believe it was four. We have to finish the rough sketch of the next DLC of Kingdom Under Fire.'' Jungkook worked at the game developer company called Blue Side, and he loved it.

''ah, I'm off around five, maybe we could go out and eat dinner?'' Jungkook nodded, ''sounds like a plan to me.'' He smiled and kissed Yoongi's cheek, putting down his mug and walking out of the kitchen, planning to get ready for work.

Yoongi smiled and put their mugs in the dishwasher. He walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, entering their shared bedroom. Jungkook was seated on Yoongi's side of the bed. Yoongi walked over and smiled as he saw what Jungkook was looking at.

It was a picture of the small boy they were going to adopt as soon as he turned the right age. ''I can't wait until he's here.'' Jungkook whispered, and it made Yoongi's heart flutter.

''Two months baby, two months.''

Jungkook smiled and sighed,

''I love you.''

''I love you too.''



I had to end it. I couldn't write two more filler chapters and then end it. I just couldn't. it would've been boring as shit and not fun to write, so I decided to just end it.

I want to thank everyone who read this, voted for this and commented. I appreciate every single one of you.

Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again soon with a new book!

x D.

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