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Jungkook was sure he'd go insane. The beeping off the machine Yoongi was attached to was going to drive him to insanity. The noise rang through his brain like a chant, a song he couldn't get out of his head. It was like an annoying commercial tune.

Jungkook clenched his eyes shut, the noise echoing through the room and his body, leaving his heart to beat in rhythm with Yoongi.

Three days.

It had been three days since the incident, and there still wasn't a sign of either Yoongi or Hoseok waking up. Jungkook switched between the two rooms every single hour, trying to keep both of them company as much as he could.

A few of his friends had shown up to keep Jungkook company and to make sure he'd eat and drink enough, forcing him to shower and take a walk every so often so he'd get his fresh air. Jungkook had abandoned all his duties, his room was a mess, he hadn't gone to school for the assemblies and practises for the graduation day.

Jungkook was like a ghost, haunting two people who were either going to die or miraculously wake up. Hoseok had internal bleeding in the brain, and the chance that he'd wake up was small, but the chance grew as the days went by. Yoongi had suffered a lot of blood loss and his kidney was damaged, his chances were bigger.

Jungkook sighed as he opened his eyes again, and grabbed Yoongi his hand. He softly squeezed the pale hand. A tear found his way down Jungkook's cheek, and he let out a shaky breath. Following the tubes and cables all across Yoongi, Jungkook got distracted. He followed the cables into the machine Yoongi had and the tubes filled with medicine that slowly emptied themselves in Yoongi's body.

It was as if Yoongi had turned into a machine, something that couldn't function without the support of machines. Jungkook stood up, kissing Yoongi's hand. He turned to walk towards the door, but as soon as he touched the door knob, he heard something.

''no'' a small whisper rang through the room, and Jungkook whipped his head around towards Yoongi. A smile grew on the black haired boy his face as he saw Yoongi trying to lean on his elbows, a small smile on his face. ''don't... go.'' Speaking was hard, Jungkook could tell.

Jungkook ran to the bed and immediately gave Yoongi a kiss on the forehead, a hand in the older his hair, tears rolling down his cheeks. ''you're awake.'' Jungkook said, sighing. He smiled as Yoongi nodded, making Jungkook chuckle.

''God.. thank god.'' Jungkook said, laying down next to Yoongi. He quickly notified the nurses a few rooms over in the office by pressing a red button next to the bed. But, his attention was reserved for Yoongi. ''I can't believe you're awake.'' Jungkook whispered as he watched Yoongi's side profile.

The door flew open, and three nurses ran in. ''Sir, we need you to leave the room. You can come back in half an hour.'' Jungkook shot up, shaking his head. ''I am staying here, miss. I cannot leave Yoongi-hyung.'' The nurse shook her head, ''he needs time to wake up properly. We'll take care of him and you can go see Mister Ju-''

''hoseok?'' Yoongi asked. It broke Jungkook's heart to have to look Yoongi in the eye. If he had told Yoongi about Kayoun earlier, Yoongi could have warned Hoseok. Hoseok could've been dancing around his office right now, accepting the deal his magazine had gotten two days ago.

Hoseok could've gone to visit Jungkook with Yoongi. Jungkook could have got to know Hoseok in proper circumstances. They could've talked until two am, laughing and smiling and falling asleep after that. Jungkook would've preferred that scenario.

He didn't notice the tears flowing again, and Yoongi screeched. ''dead?'' Jungkook was quick to shake his head and grab Yoongi's hand. ''He- he isn't d-dead, Yoongi-hyung. Ho-hoseok-h-hyung is i-in a coma.'' Jungkook dropped his head down, waiting for Yoongi to blame him for everything.

But, he was met with sobbing.

He opened his eyes again to see Yoongi crying his eyes out, his breathing growing rapid in just a few seconds. Jungkook was quick to throw his arms around Yoongi, and the male started sobbing into the other his shoulder. Jungkook joined his sobbing in a matter of seconds, and soon enough, they were a sobbing mess on Yoongi's hospital bed.

The nurse coughed, ''I suppose you can stay here, sir. Would you mind checking Sir Min with this list?'' One of the nurses put down a clipping board with questions and tasks on them. Jungkook nodded while still holding Yoongi, his cheeks stained and his shirt drenched.

''Just... take it to the reception down the hall when you're done.'' The nurses left after that, leaving Jungkook and Yoongi to cry in each other's arms.

For people from the outside, it would've probably looked like happy tears. Happy that Yoongi survived and that he was awake. Happy that they could move on from this and happy that everything was over.

But, the two humans inside the room knew these were tears of anxiety, happiness, sadness and stress all at once. The chance that Yoongi's best friend would never recover, and they were both terrified of this.


wow this sucked compared to the last chapter. Honestly I love writing this fic but all my chapters suck im haha. Anyway I got a new bed today and its super comfy and I love it a lot. I also dyed my hair and had my first day of work yesterday so yayyyyy

hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment!

x D.

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