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The morning came too soon. Yoongi groaned as he opened his eyes, getting blinded by the sunlight. He blinked a few times before throwing the blanket off of himself and sitting up. He wiped his eyes and turned his head to look out of the window. He could see the city slowly coming to life, cars driving in the distance and lights of business buildings turning on.

Yoongi's apartment was pretty high and almost in the centre of the city. It was pretty expensive living, but he could afford it mainly because of his successes when he was younger.

He sighed and climbed out of his warm comfy bed and walked towards the bathroom. After getting ready and dressing himself, he placed himself behind the computer. He sat there for a few moments, looking at his reflection in the black screen.

''get your shit together, idiot.'' He turned on the computer and opened his documents for one of his classes. He taught one freshman class and three senior classes, and today he had one of the senior and the freshman class. The seniors were all working on their graduation project, while the freshman's were working on their passing projects.

Yoongi had to complete the template the freshman's had to work with before class, so that they could finish their projects. It was a huge project where they had to make their own functioning website or small game.

It didn't take long for Yoongi to finish the template and make a powerpoint presentation about it. He sighed and cracked his fingers, making him smile. He stood up and walked back to his bedroom and grabbed his phone, knowing he would have a text from Hoseok.

As he predicted, when Yoongi turned on his phone he saw a view notifications and indeed a text from Hoseok:

From hoseok, 7:45 AM:

Good morning YOOOOOOONGIIIII. Enjoy your day as much as I will because I'm grocery shopping again today and will probably see the cute boy again, cheer for me ^_^

Yoongi giggled and shook his head at his friend's behaviour. He clicked on the notification and decided to text the male back:

To hoseok, 7:53 AM:

Good morning you hyper piece of shit. Talk to the boy, please. I'm cheering for you >_<.

Yoongi pocketed his phone and walked out of his room and made his way towards the kitchen, where he made himself a cup of tea. It didn't take long for Hoseok to reply, which made Yoongi chuckle,

From hoseok, 7:56 AM:

I am a morning person, can't help it. Do you think he would like that?

To hoseok, 7:56 AM,

How am I supposed to know? I don't know the boy. Let's hope he does, because it's annoying.

From hoseok,7:57 AM,

Don't judge me you party pooper, anyway I have to go. Secretary just called and told me I had to be there in a few minutes.

To hoseok, 7:58 AM,

Good luck mate

Yoongi grabbed his laptop bag after drinking his tea and walked out of the door, locking it behind him. He walked down the hall towards the stairs and sighed. He was trying to live a little healthier and told himself he could only take the stairs up and down. So, he began his long walk down the stairs and looked for his car in the car garage under the apartment complex.

He drove to the university in silence and walked all the way towards his office, setting up his laptop and making his way towards one of the coffee rooms in the building.

He opened the white door and was greeted with the smell of coffee and cookies, and he smiled a little.

''Yoongi-hyung!,'' Yoongi turned his head to look at one of his colleagues, Jackson Wang Ka-yee. The older male ordered his colleagues to drop the honorifics when it came to younger colleagues. Jackson was the youngest professor on the campus. He taught Economics to freshmen and this was his first year working at this university. ''how are you doing?''

''I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you Jackson-si?''


Jungkook was late. He slept through his alarm once again and woke up twenty minutes before class. He sighed and quickly changed into some clothing and grabbed his laptop bag. He shoved an apple into his mouth and left his studio apartment, locking it and rushing off.

It took approximately thirty minutes to get to school, and he only had fifteen left. Jungkook ran as hard as he could to catch the train and sighed to himself as he sat down on one of the couches. How could he possibly be late to one of his midday classes?

Jungkook went to bed around four am once again, which was fairly early for the young boy. He had set his alarm for ten am so he would be able to finish his last bit of the code for the Mandela's, but he slept through his alarm.

He groaned as he stared out the window. The trees and houses rushed along and Jungkook kept checking the stations they passed. People left and people came onto the train and it got more crowded.

After twenty minutes, they arrived at the university stop, and Jungkook rushed out the doors. He ran as fast as he could towards the IT building and opened the door, rushing inside and almost flying up the three flights of stairs.

He stopped running as he got closer to the classroom, hoping his red face would be gone before he opened the classroom door. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds, preparing himself for the staring eyes and pissed off Min-Kyoosoonim, which was the absolute worst.

He sighed, and put his hand on the door knob, slowly opening the door. He could hear the class falling silent, and someone clearing their throat. Jungkook gulped as he opened the door a little faster and came face to face with the professor.

His cheeks that were almost his normal colour again, turned a bright red as he looked the professor in the eye.

''why are you late?'' he asked, eyeing the younger boy. Jungkook was kind of shaking at this point, his legs almost caving in from over usage.

''i-i-I overslept?'' Jungkook answered, making Min-kyoosoonim laugh. Jungkook could hear the class snicker, because this was pure entertainment.

''You overslept huh? It's almost one pm, kid.'' Min-kyoosoonim retorted, making Jungkook blush even more. Before the younger could say something, someone from the class said something.

''he goes to bed late, kyoosoonim.'' It was Taehyung who had spoken up, making Jungkook make a mental note to thank the older later and buy him a coffee.

''is that so? Sit down kid, this is your first time being late the entire school year. But, don't do it again, alright?'' Min-kyoosoonim gives Jungkook a pat on the back and Jungkook almost chokes, the spot where the older male his hand hit immediately starting to burn.

He made his way towards his seat next to Taehyung, who was trying to hold back his laughter,

''I'm guessing your skin is on fire?''


wowowowowo lame ending I know. I'm sorry for not uploading for a week, I have test week which counts for my exams next year in order to graduate, so that's kind of important. Also attack on titan season 2 episode 1 came out yesterday (when I was planning to update) so I was emotionally unstable the rest of the day.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment!

x D.

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