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Jungkook ran, bumping into people and shoving them away. He ran to the corner he just saw Yoongi turn, and whipped his head around to look for the male. He spotted the older looking at a store window, about fifty feet away from him.

Jungkook his body warmed up at the sight of the boy he liked. A smile slowly made his way across his face and Jungkook shivered with anticipation. If Yoongi would let him, Jungkook was sure he'd kiss the older.

He waited a few seconds, only to get his breathing pattern back on track. He sighed and slowly started to walk, but Yoongi entered the store at the same time. Jungkook groaned and started fast walking, trying to see what kind of store Yoongi entered.

The younger halted in front of the store window and saw it was a flower shop. The entire front of the shop was glass so Jungkook could easily see Yoongi buying a small bouquet of red roses.

Jungkook started blushing when he noticed himself hoping they were for him. Jungkook decided that waiting would probably be the best idea, so he leaned against the window. He hoped Yoongi would notice him and that he'd start the conversation, but after a few minutes of waiting Yoongi walked out of the store and didn't even look around and kept walking.

Jungkook grabbed the older his wrist, and Yoongi turned around in shock. His eyes were wide, but he relaxed when he saw that it was Jungkook who grabbed his wrist.

''uhm, hey Jungkook?'' Yoongi said, and Jungkook felt his entire body relaxing just because he heard Yoongi his voice. ''uhm, hi hyung.'' Jungkook dropped Yoongi's wrist and his arms just dangled next to his body.

They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, until Jungkook spoke up. ''I'm sorry Hyung. I shouldn't have behaved the way I did, it was childish.'' Youngi shrugged, ''it wasn't childish at all, I randomly kissed you and obviously you didn't like it.'' Yoongi his eyes were sad and Jungkook hated it.

''no hyung, I did like it.'' Jungkook said, and Yoongi smiled softly. ''sure you did, kookie.'' Yoongi sounded so belittling and it made Jungkook feel guilty. ''I feel incredibly guilty about what I did, hyung. I really do. I just-''

''what? You just couldn't do it?'' Yoongi interrupted Jungkook with gritted teeth. ''you couldn't kiss someone like me? You couldn't kiss me? You couldn't at least text me or call me back?'' Yoongi was yelling at this point, and it was scaring Jungkook.

''I'm so-''

''no, Jungkook. I'm sorry.'' And with that, Yoongi turned around and walked off. Jungkook didn't even try to stop him as a small tear made his way on his cheek. He watched the boy he liked walk away from him and he didn't do anything.


''Yoongi-hyung, are you fucking mental?!'' Hoseok yelled. Yoongi had told him what he had said to Jungkook, and the younger was pissed. ''he said sorry and all you did was make him feel more guilty!'' Hoseok shoved Yoongi.

''maybe he has had a rough childhood and is scared of loving someone. Maybe he has had an ex who made him afraid of ever caring about someone again. You don't fucking know what he has been through and still you fucking make him feel more guilty, are you fucking insane?!'' Hoseok yelled.

Yoongi just nodded. He dropped the flowers he had bought on the floor and he nodded again. He finally realised he fucked up too. ''god fucking dammit!'' he yelled, punching the wall next to him. ''call him.'' Hoseok said, and Yoongi looked up.

''as if he would answer.'' He said, and Hoseok shrugged. ''you can always try?'' Hoseok held out Yoongi's phone, and after a few moments of staring at the phone, Yoongi took it and dialled Jungkook's number.

''hyung?'' Yoongi's heart broke as he heard Jungkook's voice. It sounded like the younger had just cried.

''I'm so sorry Jungkook. I shouldn't have walked away like that.''

''it's.. it's okay hyung.''

''can I make it up to you by taking you out to dinner?''

It stayed silent on the other side of the line for a few moments until Jungkook spoke up,

''I'd love that, hyung.''


its terribly short and absolute rubbish I know. If you've read my message on my profile you knew I promised to upload both a chapter for this and a one shot, but all of a sudden my weekend got packed with stuff. But, I still wanted to upload, so here it is (:.

x D.

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