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Jungkook was wandering around campus. Taehyung was having a meeting with the student committee about the graduating ceremony and the rest of his friends had already gone home. Jimin was meeting Jisoo for lunch and Namjoon was going to shop with Seokjin for an appropriate outfit to see his parents back home.

It meant that Jungkook had time to think before his best friend returned and they would go to the older his apartment and work on their project.

Jungkook frowned as he saw that the grey clouds were slowly making their way across the sky. It had been shitty weather for the past few days and the younger absolutely despised it. The white cotton mask covering his mouth to prevent his bacteria from spreading was starting to really itch and Jungkook sighed.

Fuck this. He thought as he decided to sit down on a wooden bench in front of a fountain. He closed his eyes and just listened to the sounds of the campus. He smiled as he remembered how nervous he had been when he first walked through the main gate on his first day. He remembered Taehyung holding his hand at one point to stop it from shaking.

Jungkook loved to programme and he was terrified that he wasn't good enough for the real deal. But hey, he made it through three years and was about to graduate. One last week of exams was in a few months and Jungkook was free to go where he wanted after that.

Nintendo would be his dream. The brown haired boy was willing to give everything up that he had built up in Seoul and move to Tokyo, Japan. He was willing to drop everything and move towards the city of his dreams to work for the company he had adored since he was five years old.

But, Jungkook had to handle things with The Mandela's first. He used to love working for them and the extra money wasn't a bad thing. But, Jungkook started to feel like the gang was slowly declining towards the bad side of the hacking spectrum. He knows that stealing information about elections isn't really legal either, but a 'co-worker' of his that Jungkook talked to sometimes refused to do a job that actually involved hacking into someone's bank account and completely ruining this person.

His 'co-worker' was found dead in a river three days later. Jungkook sighed and ruffled his hair, his mind filled with thoughts he didn't want to think about. His main focus was Taehyung for now. The younger couldn't help but feel like the older was keeping a secret from him, and it irritated Jungkook to no end.

Taehyung had been his best friend since the first day of elementary school. They were best buddies and never kept secrets from each other. They shared their first heartbreaks, their first love's and their first fights together. Hell, Jungkook even shared his parents with Taehyung at one point because they had kicked the older out because of him coming out as bisexual.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and balled his hands into fists. Why would he lie to me? Jungkook's mind was screaming at Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't help but feel like he wanted to punch his best friend. Jungkook knew it had something to do with his promise that he made on the train and his IT professor, because every time the professor had come even as far as two metres away from Jungkook, Taehyung had made sure that the younger his attention was turned to something else.

It was as if Taehyung knew that something was up between the two. Jungkook literally told Taehyung he liked their professor and Taehyung said it wouldn't surprise him if the professor would fall for Jungkook.

It made no sense to the younger.

''something seems to be troubling you.'' Jungkook's eyes shot open. He turned his head to look at who was talking to him and saw Min-kyoosoonim standing next to him. ''can I?'' Jungkook nodded, grabbing his bag and putting it down onto the ground. The professor sat down, and since the bench wasn't that big, their legs touched a little.

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