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Jungkook was still running. He didn't know where he was and he didn't want to stop running. But, after he ran a few more blocks and entered a small shop. The shop felt warm and Jungkook felt his tears slowly dry on his cheeks, staining them.

The shop turned out to be a small café and it smelled like cupcakes. Jungkook sighed as he walked over towards the cash register. The girl at the register smiled at him, ''welcome to the Grande Lattes, may I take your order?'' the girl seemed to be around the same age as Jungkook. She had long brown hair and her eyes smiled along with her mouth. She must be very happy, Jungkook thought.

He nodded, ''can I have a regular coffee with some sugar?'' the girl nodded and proceeded to type something into the register. She turned around and prepared the coffee. Jungkook could hear the beans crunching in the machine and the small café soon filled itself with a smell of coffee. ''would you like a cupcake with that?'' the girl asked as she put the coffee down on the counter.

Jungkook looked around and saw a display. His eyes widened as he saw at least twenty five different types of cupcakes. He scanned some of the shelves and stopped as he saw a green cupcake. He immediately thought of Taehyung and how much the older loved the colour green. Jungkook swallowed thickly and pointed at the green one.

The girl nodded and went ahead and grabbed it. She gave Jungkook the cupcake and smiled at him. She then proceeded to check Jungkook out, ''that will be 5750 won.'' The girl said, and Jungkook nodded. He opened his bag and grabbed his wallet, handing the girl six 1000 won papers. ''keep the change.'' He said and grabbed his coffee and cupcake.

He turned around and clumsily walked over towards a wooden table with two chairs in front of each other. He put his wallet down, almost spilling his coffee because he was holding them in the same hand. He quickly put down his cupcake too and put away his wallet.

He dropped his bag onto the floor and sighed, sitting down. The weather had cleared up a little and the sky was once again trying to show off his beautiful orange pinkish colour that the sky had while the sun was setting. Jungkook knew it was getting late and he probably had about a thousand calls from Taehyung and his other friends, but right now, he couldn't care less.

Taehyung definitely crossed a line, and it scared Jungkook. Jungkook wanted to push away his youth, as far as he could. But, his best friend kept bringing it up at the most inconvenient times, reminding Jungkook that he had issues with his youth that were left unsolved.

Jungkook had decided for himself when he got to high school, he'd change himself for the better. And it helped. He got friends, he was quite popular and he helped his best friend through his fight with his sexuality. Jungkook thought that it was all good, that the memories would cease to exist and that he would be free.

He wasn't.

Jungkook sighed as he turned to look out of the window, watching the sky paint orange and pink. He liked the sunset, it calmed him down. It was as if the moment he saw the sun setting, Jungkook knew he would get another day to live, another day to fix things and another day to try and enjoy his life. Jungkook didn't dislike himself, he just disliked the way he was.

Jungkook had probably zoned out, because the moment he opened his eyes, he felt someone nudge his shoulder. He opened his eyes and gasped as he, once again, saw Min-Kyoosoonim bowed over him. ''can I sit?'' the older asked, and Jungkook was quick to nod his head.

Min-Kyoosoonim sat down and pointed at Jungkook's now cold coffee and abandoned cupcake. Jungkook shrugged, ''I zoned out.'' He said, swirling his spoon around in his coffee.

''ah, we all have that sometimes.'' The older said, and a heavy silence fell down over the two. Jungkook took this time to look around the café and he smiled. It was one of those cozy café's that you sometimes saw in movies, and Jungkook already loved it. He wished that he knew where he was, but he was sad to say that he had no clue.

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