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Jungkook rushed home. He ran. He bolted through the streets, running away from an upcoming memory. He hoped his mind had gotten rid of the memories entirely, but the moments the male felt Yoongi's his lips on his, he remembered.

He had kissed back Yoongi, thanked the male and they had walked towards the station in silence. Yoongi seemed like he wanted to say something during the walk, but he kept his mouth shut. Jungkook didn't know what to say as his mind flooded with memories he hated.

Jungkook had cried on the train, and he was crying while running home. He unlocked his door and closed it with a loud smash. He threw his shoes off and ran towards his mattress, dropping himself.

He buried his face into his pillow and he sobbed. His body started shaking violently, his pillow growing wet from the amount of tears. His teeth started chattering and his tears were flowing.

Jungkook felt two hands on his back and he turned around. He saw no one and he knew. He knew the memories weren't gone. He knew the boy hadn't left his mind. Jungkook had hoped he had, he really hoped he could forget the nights screaming in pain, his hands creeping on Jungkook's body in places Jungkook wasn't ready for. He could feel the hot breath of the male hitting his neck and Jungkook yelped.

He yelped again when he felt a hand on his cheek, and once again, no one was actually there. Jungkook remembered his bruises he had to cover up, his friends he had to lie to and his aching body screaming for help.

He remembered the nights he had to sleep in the basement. He remembered the nights he was forced to sit in his room as he heard his boyfriend fucking a girl in their 'shared' bedroom. Jungkook remembered having to clean up their mess as they went out to dinner. He remembered his mom asking if everything was still alright between the two boys and Jungkook definitely remembers having to lie to his mom and saying they were still in love.

The thing was, Jungkook was still in love. He loved the moments the other male was kind, was loving and made Jungkook feel like a prince. He loved the nights they would cuddle and he loved the days when they would eat together, go to school together and have fun together.

Jungkook sighed and turned on his side. He took a hold of his bedding and pulled it over him. He quickly folded himself into a ball. His body was still shaking and his mind was all over the place when his phone rung.

Jungkook didn't dare to raise himself out of bed and take it, so he stayed in bed. The phone kept on ringing for a few seconds and stopped. After a few moments of silence, the phone rang again. Jungkook whimpered and wiped his face. He dragged himself of the mattress and grabbed his phone, answering it.

''This is Jeon Jungkook speaking?'' He said. A quiver was still prominent in his voice and all he wanted was to get back in bed and lay in his sadness. For a second he didn't hear anything, but then he heard shoes shuffle.

''I'm coming over.'' He heard Jimin say and the phone was cut off.


Yoongi walked into his classroom, expecting everyone to be vibrant and happy because of the fact it was Friday. But, everyone was busy with their computer and only a soft whisper could be heard. He frowned as he saw that both Kim Taehyung and Jungkook hadn't made it to school, and it saddened Yoongi.

He was hoping he could pull Jungkook out of class for a moment and ask the younger some questions about what had occurred the night before. Yoongi knew he did something wrong, judging by the younger his behaviour after the kiss. He was so quiet and Yoongi didn't like it.

He liked it when Jungkook was bubbly, talkative and hyper. Not when he was sad and all closed up.

Yoongi sat down and immediately someone raised their hand. Yoongi sighed to himself as he stood up again and prepared himself for a long day.


''This is Kim Taehyung speaking?'' Yoongi opened and closed his mouth as he looked at his phone that was laid on his dinner table. He opened his mouth once more before closing it.

''hello?'' Taehyung asked and Yoongi groaned. He needed to ask him something.

''Yeah, good evening Kim-si, this is your MT professor.'' He could hear Taehyung groan and Yoongi sighed. He could hear some ruffling and some movement, before it fell silent.

''how can I help you?'' Taehyung asked, and Yoongi could tell the younger was annoyed. Yoongi sat down and grabbed his phone, turning off speaker and holding against his ear.

''I'm sorry I had to call you after school hours, but I had a few questions.'' Yoongi said softly, and he could feel himself shake with nerves a little. He smacked himself mentally and waited for a response.

''About Jungkook I'm guessing?'' Taehyung sneered and Yoongi frowned. He didn't know why, but Kim Taehyung had proven to hate the him over the past few weeks. Yoongi didn't know what he did and it irritated him to no end.

''Yes, actually. Do you perhaps know where he was today?'' Yoongi asked, and he could hear Taehyung sigh. Yoongi started to follow the patterns of the wood that were carved into his table as he waited.

''fuck if I know, I'm not his babysitter.'' Taehyung replied. Yoongi swallowed as he clenched his jaw, shutting his eyes in irritation.

''alright, thanks.''

''was that it?''

''no. What happened between you two? I saw Jungkook yesterday and he seemed very upset.'' Yoongi asked, and he could hear Taehyung sigh.

''why did you see him?'' the younger asked, and Yoongi frowned. Why was he asking that?

''I saw him in the café I usually go to. Can you please answer my question first before you ask me anything?''

''Just because you're older and my professor doesn't mean you have everything to say about me, alright? And we had a fight, but I'm sure Jungkook already told you that.'' Yoongi sighed and nodded to himself, this wasn't really helping at all.

''well, he seemed very upset about something you said?'' Yoongi tried to get more out of the other boy, he really did, but Taehyung wouldn't budge.

''oh he gets upset about almost everything that remotely connects to his past.'' Yoongi could hear Taehyung gasp and the oldest of the two guessed Taehyung just said something he wasn't supposed to.

''His past, you say?''

''I'm sorry, I have to go.'' The line got cut off quickly and Yoongi sighed. He dropped his phone on the table and wiped his forehead.

What was that about Jungkook's past?


wowowowowowo angst.

anyway how are you guys? I'm doing meh. I had therapy today which was very frustrating, because I ranted for an hour straight lol.

I'm writing this instead of studying for my dutch poetry test I have tomorrow and I'm officially fu.cked.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter though! What did you guys think?

x D.

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