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It was time for the drop. Yoongi's face was plastered to his screen as he saw codes appearing on his left screen. He quickly copied the codes and pasted them onto a board on his middle screen, where other members of his crew were decoding the codes and forming proper sentences.

On his right screen the mail's kept coming in, from different newspapers and news channels around the world, asking for the information. Yoongi couldn't find the time to look at the right screen though, it was just displaying what other crew members were doing, sending all sorts of emails to these newspapers.

It was going peacefully, until Yoongi checked the right screen to see who was on the website, and he saw some codenames he had never seen before. He groaned and quickly pasted 'code orange' onto the board, to signalize the fact that the Mandela's had come in.

The codes kept flowing in and Yoongi kept copying and pasting them in a fast speed, trying to win it from a certain Raven98 who was also copying the codes. Pure chaos started as soon as the people who were putting the codes into the website noticed people were stealing their information.

In a matter of seconds, Yoongi's screen displayed a giant error and Yoongi yelped, ''No!'' he screamed, dropping his fist onto his desk quiet hard. He could see some people cussing on the board, them also noticing the website got shut down.

''MiYo98! What the hell happened?'' Yoongi groaned as he heard the leader of the mission yell in his earphones. ''I thought you worked without a trace, how did they know you were there?'' Yoongi turned his microphone back on after cursing, and sighed.

''Some Mandala's with traces came in and I'm one hundred percent sure that the people uploading the information onto the hidden page of the website saw them and shut it down.'' Yoongi said, making the person on the other side of the line groan.

''Fuck!'' he heard someone cuss and Yoongi figured someone else joined the chatroom,

''hey at least we got some information, it's not that bad.'' Yoongi tried to cheer the people in the chat up, which resulted in some mixed responses.

''How many newspapers and news channels bought some information?'' The leader asked, making the chat fall silent.

Musroom12 answered, ''we sold to at least sixty newspapers''

''and at least fifty seven news channels around the world. Everyone who paid for it already deposited the money onto the different bank accounts so it wouldn't be suspicious.'' InTerAliEN added, making some people reply with emoji's,

''you guys will get your part tomorrow morning around eleven, we first need to see how much it is. InTerAliEN are you sure it isn't suspicious?'' the leader asked, and Yoongi sighed. He had to wait for his pay, which made him anxious. Last time they had to wait for their pay it ended up being ten percent lower than they had promised, because of the massive amount of money it had cost to finish the mission.

''I'm sure of it sir, it just looks like some people got a raise and their salary in the same time.'' InTerAliEn replied.

It took a few minutes but Yoongi was finally able to get himself out of the chat after talking to some of his friends in the crew, and he sighed. He looked at the black screen in front of him and smiled a little, it all went smoothly.

He stood up and made his way towards his bedroom and opened the door, giggling as he saw Hoseok passed out on the bed with his laptop placed onto his lap. The younger male had agreed to accompany Yoongi tonight while he handled the mission. Hoseok had brought him drinks and cooked food for the two and then decided to finish some of his own work while Yoongi was busy.

Yoongi shrugged and guessed the male had fallen asleep during work. He walked up to him and closed the laptop, taking it off the younger his lap and putting it down on the bedside table. He draped the blanket onto his friend and grabbed his extra one, turning around and turning the light off, closing the door behind me.

Yoongi turned off his computer in the living room and fell onto the couch with a loud sigh. He kicked off his skinny jeans and decided sleeping in his oversized sweater would do, grabbing the blanket and draping it over himself.

He closed his eyes with a content smile on his face, the sound of the city slowly dying out in his ears, him slipping away into a peaceful sleep.


''I still can't believe I fell asleep.'' Hoseok said in disbelief, taking a sip of his coffee. It was morning time and Yoongi had to wake Hoseok up. The younger male was currently trying to believe he had actually fallen asleep while Yoongi was working.

''well, you did. And it's fine, I'm sure you were very tired.'' Yoongi said. He took a bite of his toast and looked up at his friend. Hoseok was standing up, leaning against the counter. He was wearing a white shirt with black skinny jeans and some black socks he borrowed from Yoongi. Hoseok opened his mouth,

''I was exhausted. Some people managed to fuck up the dates for the next cover shoot which is very important! The models won't be here until the twenty seventh, while the shoot is on the twenty fifth, it's stressful.'' Hoseok ranted, his hands making huge gestures, almost spilling coffee in the process.

''Jeez that must suck. How are you going to deal with this?'' Yoongi asked. He stood up and walked around the dining table with his plate, opening the dishwasher and placing the dirty plate in it. Hoseok chuckled and took a sip of his coffee before saying,

''I'm not. My assistant is and the people who managed to fuck it up. I left it in their hands because I have to think about other things.''

''such as?'' Yoongi asked, placing one hand on his hip and smirking at the younger male. Hoseok faked being offended and smiled his sunshine like smile,

''I have a date with the supermarket boy in three days, I'm preparing the restaurant and what I'm going to wear.'' He screeched. Yoongi groaned and facepalmed himself, making Hoseok sigh,

''you just don't understand it. You've never really liked someone. Except for your student that is, what was his name again?'' Hoseok raised his eyebrows with a big smirk on his face, while Yoongi groaned and turned around, walking out of the kitchen.

''I don't like Jungkook! He's just a very hot, very beautifully sculpted interesting boy I happened to have in my class.'' Yoongi said, plopping himself down onto his desk chair. Hoseok laughed, the sound emitting from the kitchen and echoing around the apartment.

''to me that sounded like you were trying to convince me of liking him, not the other way around.'' The brown haired male walked out of the kitchen with a smirk on his face and Yoongi rolled his eyes as he looked at the man.

''fuck off, I have work to do.'' He said, holding his hand up to Hoseok. Hoseok chuckled,

''Just avoidingthe subject like you always do, a classic.'' Yoongi shot Hoseok a look with his eyes clenched and Hoseok held up his hands in defence.

''alright I'll be going then. Are you still up for dinner tomorrow?'' Yoongi nodded and threw one of his paper wads at the male.


wow another chapter am I insane? No, I'm just feeling very creative and the writing spirit is buzzing inside of me.

That sounded really weird wow I'm sorry.

Anyway I'm very proud of this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for over 600 reads, it truly means a lot.

Don't forget to vote and comment, and ill see you guys next chapter!

x D.

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