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Jungkook smirked as he closed the website, grabbing his coffee and taking a sip. Annoying people was his specialty, especially when it came to the so-called enemy. Of course Jungkook knew that these people were good programmers and hackers, but no one could beat his group, the Mandela's, in this battle.

According to their enemy, the Guards, the Mandela's found out through them. But Jungkook knew otherwise. He believed that their leader, who he only knew the screenname of, actually found the information himself.

A few messages popped up onto Jungkook's computer and he laughed. His friends had logged into their own chatroom system.

Joonnam: has anyone done their homework for Java? I'm so tired I can't do it.

Taetae: you think I'm giving you that? Don't make laugh

Parkjiji: I'm so happy I don't know what you're talking about

Taetae: ha very funny, doof

Joonnam: answer somebody pleaseeee, kyoosoonim will actually kill me

Parkjiji: it's college, it can't be that bad now can it

Taetae: HA

Kooks: you haven't had our Java professor yet Jimin-hyung

Joonnam: hey someone decided to join

Parkjiji: anyone up for video chatting, im too lazy to type atm

Taetae: sure, I'm doing homework though

Joonnam: same, but we'll do it during video chat

Kooks: let me start one

A few clicks and seconds later, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung were displayed on Jungkook his screen. Jimin waved cutely into the webcam and Jungkook was so tempted to say something about it to Taehyung, but he didn't.

Taehyung hadn't told Jimin yet, and Jimin refused to tell Taehyung.

Jungkook snickered, making the boys who had already started a conversation fall silent.

''whatca laughing about, Jungkook-ah?'' Namjoon asked, raising his eyebrows.

''Nothing, lemme grab my headset.'' Jungkook stood up from his chair and walked to the couch, grabbing his headseat. Before he could sit down, he heard someone giggle,

''you need to clean your room, jesus.'' Taehyung commented on Jungkook's messy room. Jungkook frowned, flipping the older the bird.

''I can literally tell what you ate last week, gross.'' Jimin said.

''now you're just exaggerating a little, Jimin-hyung.'' The black haired boy shook his head, making Jungkook groan.

''alright jesus I'll clean tomorrow, leave it. I have stuff to do too, y'know.''

''we do too, I mean, we have the same schedule, and my room still isn't as messy as yours, Jungkook-ah.'' Namjoon said. Jungkook sat down, plugging his headphones in and adjusting the microphone.

''well I don't live with a neat freak who cleans up almost every two days.''

''seokjin-hyung is not a clean freak! He was taught to clean by his mother, shithead.'' Namjoon was quick to defend his boyfriend, making Jimin and Taehyung coo at the older.

''you guys are really cute by the way. When's the wedding?'' Taehyung asked, his eyes looking at where Namjoon was probably visible on his own screen. His eyebrows were raised a little in curiosity.

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