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The first time Yoongi felt lonely was right after his dad past away. He came to school a few days later, and everything was grey. It was raining and the thick clouds were a grey, almost blackish colour. Yoongi's classmates were happily chatting, seemingly not affected by the weather.

It wasn't just the weather. Yoongi's teacher his hair was grey, the school walls, the lunch tables, the stone tiles on the ground, it was all grey. Yoongi his eyes weren't, but his vision was.

From then on, Yoongi was only able to see sadness and his heart was shallow, empty and broken. It was as if a light had turned off that day, and no one had tried to fix the light bulb, like Yoongi's father usually did to the light bulbs at home.

He would stand on a chair and Yoongi would hold the bulb, handing the new one to his father and he would get to hold the old one.

Before his dad past away, the man had told Yoongi he would always be in his heart. Then why didn't he fix the light bulb?

Yoongi slammed his hand on his desk. He groaned as he tried to get his thoughts out of his head, shaking his head. He looked up when a small knock was heard on his apartment door. He slowly got out of his seat and walked towards the door. Before he opened it, he glanced at the mirror on the wall and fixed his hair.

He opened the door and smiled as he saw his good friend, Jung Hoseok standing there.

''Hey!,'' Hoseok entered the warm apartment and engulfed Yoongi in a warm hug. Yoongi smiled as he wrapped his arms around his best friend, petting his back once. ''it's been a while.'' Hoseok continued, making Yoongi nod.

Hoseok had returned from a business trip to America last night, and they planned to hang out this morning. It was a Saturday, after all.

''It has indeed,'' Yoongi let go of Hoseok, smiling at the man. ''coffee?'' he asked, turning on his heel and walking towards the kitchen.

''yes please!'' Hoseok replied. The male kicked of his shoes and hung his jacket on the hanger. Yoongi turned on the coffee machine and it immediately started crunching the beans.

''so, how have you been?'' Hoseok made himself comfortable, standing against one of the cabinets. Yoongi sighed, looking at Hoseok and shrugging.

''It's been alright. The past week has been rough for the last years, they're super stressed and stuff,'' Hoseok giggled and smiled, nodding.

''I could understand that, I mean, we were the same.'' The coffee machine shut off, two cups of coffee ready.

''You're talking as if that was ages ago. It was only two years ago, my friend.'' Yoongi chuckled at Hoseok's fake pout. He grabbed the two steaming mugs and handed one to his friend, before making his way towards the living room.

''Alright alright.'' Hoseok smiled as he sat down on the couch. He turned his head to look out the window for a second, turning his spoon around in his mug. ''how have you been?'' he then asked, turning his head to look at Yoongi. He raised one eyebrow, making Yoongi chuckle.

''but, I just told you.'' Yoongi was genuinely confused as he watched his friend smile and shake his head.

''you didn't tell me how you have been, you only told me your students were stressed.'' Hoseok said, winking at Yoongi. Yoongi sighed, shaking his head. He didn't really fancy talking about himself, and Hoseok knew that.

''As I said, I have been alright. One of my students hacked the system, though,'' Hoseok frowned as he looked at Yoongi, as if saying that answer was not what he wanted to hear, ''don't look at me like that! I have something to do with it, you know. First of all, he or she is my student and I have to figure out who did it!'' Hoseok sighed once again,

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