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Before Jungkook entered Yoongi his life, his life had been pointless. As a prodigy, everyone wanted to know him. Yoongi's face as a fifteen year old was plastered on magazines, website banners and news articles. But, after all these years, it was like the world had forgotten he existed.

Yoongi had turned back into the person he taught himself to be: private and secluded.

But everything changed when Jungkook walked into his classroom in the beginning of this school year.

It was summer and it was incredibly hot everywhere. Naturally, every single student walked in with summer clothes on, and Jungkook was one of them. He had black shorts clinging to his legs and a simple shirt adorning his upper body, but to Yoongi he looked like an actual angel.

It took Yoongi a few months to realize what he felt when he looked at Jungkook meant. But, after he kissed the younger boy one fortunate night when he ran into Jungkook in his favorite cafe, he knew what it was.

He finally understood the tingles he felt when he made eye contact with the black haired boy. He finally understood the warmth that coursed through his body whenever he felt that Jungkook was close.
He finally understood the weird feeling in his stomach when he heard Jungkook do so much as talk.

And Yoongi had hated himself for it for a long time. He had thought his feelings would never be mutual and he had thought they would be unanswered, but Jungkook proved him otherwise.

Jungkook had not directly told Yoongi about his feelings, but the texts he sent and the calls they had kind of made it clear to Yoongi. But, something was holding Jungkook back, and the older was desperate to find out what that was.

"Yoongi-hyung?," Yoongi blinked, trying to come back to earth. Hoseok was waving a hand in front of his face while Yoongi had been lost in his thoughts, "are you even here?"

Yoongi sighed, "I'm sorry, Hoseok. I was lost in thought for a minute." Hoseok nodded, "I noticed." Yoongi chuckled. He turned his head a little and looked around Hoseok's new apartment that he shared with his boyfriend Park Kayoun, the boy from the supermarket across Hoseok's old apartment.

Boxes stood all across the room, empty and full. The walls were wet from the painting Hoseok and Yoongi had just done. "So how's moving going?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok sighed with a smile on his face, "it's.," Hoseok seemed to think of the right words, "fun and exhausting. Kayoun has the tendency to yell at me when I put something in the wrong place or something like that. But the fun part is that you're building something, together."

Yoongi frowned as he watched Hoseok's entire body language change when he talked about Kayoun his aggression. Hoseok put a hand on his elbow, across his chest as if though he was trying to hide something.

Yoongi knew he should ask about it, but he didn't, he kept his mouth shut. "Remember when we had to move into our dorm?" Hoseok asked, changing the subject and the atmosphere in the room.

Yoongi nodded and laughed, "that was something. The Uni told me I wouldn't have a roommate for the first year and I was so happy, until you waltzed in with your giant suitcase." Yoongi said, and Hoseok tipped his head over from laughing, "I remember you threatening me about your sleep schedule and how your computer deserved more room than I did." Hoseok continued, and Yoongi laughed.

"I remember being so pissed when you had put your dinner on my computer desk, I shut you out." Yoongi reminisced. Hoseok laughed, "you demanded to have me removed for every single inconvenience after that." Hoseok said, and Yoongi smiled.

"But, when we realized we were going to be roommates for Sophomore year too, we decided it was best to try and become friends." Hoseok said, "and look at us now." Yoongi smiled at his best friend.

"I'd be miserable without you." Yoongi said, and Hoseok smiled at him."same here."


Yoongi was walking back home when he first noticed someone following him. He heard soft footsteps, but every time he'd turn to look, no one was there. He continued to walk, his ears trying to catch anything.

When he got close to his apartment, he heard it again. The soft noises of footsteps. Yoongi felt a shiver go down his spine, even though it was twenty two degrees out. Sweat pooled in his hands and on his back. Yoongi carefully grabbed his phone and dialed Jungkook, hoping the person that was following him would give up.

Jungkook didn't answer the first time, but he immediately answered when Yoongi called the second time,

"This is Jeon Jungkook speaking, who am I speaking to?" Yoongi felt warmth course through his veins and his stomach was going insane with butterflies. But, a few footsteps were enough to bring him back down to earth.

"Hey Jungkook! You haven't texted me all day, so I was wondering what was up." Yoongi casually lied. He turned the corner and he could see his flat in the distance.

"Oh nothing really. Jimin-hyung, Taehyung-hyung, seokjin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung and I went swimming in the public pool close to Jimin-hyung his flat. What did you do?" At the thought of Jungkook shirtless and wet Yoongi blushed and shivered.

"Oh nothing much. I helped Hoseok move in into his new apartment. He really wants to meet you." Yoongi was hoping Jungkook would get the hint and would invite Hoseok to dinner through Yoongi or something, but that didn't happen.

"I'd love to meet him as well!" Yoongi walked into his flat entrance and he sighed in relief. He turned around to see the person who was following him look through the windowed doors, and then walk away.

"Hey Jungkook I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Yoongi hadn't planned on asking that, but he could feel the excitement coming up.

"A date?" Jungkook asked, a little confused. "Yeah, a date." Yoongi answered, and he could hear Jungkook giggle a bit,

"I'd love to."


I wrote this on my phone while I was on vacation because hell yeah. I hope I can upload this at the airport, but I doubt it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment!

Edit: am uploading while waiting for the bus to take us to the airport, enjoy!

x D.

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