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Yoongi couldn't help but feel scared. He deleted all of his information from the Guards their archive before they found him, but he was still kind of scared. After he received the message that the Mandela's had started killing, Yoongi was quick to delete everything and erase his traces. No one would find out he was ever a part of The Guards unless Yoongi told them.

''why are you so on edge?'' Yoongi shook his head to get out of his trance, and looked Hoseok in the eye. ''oh, nothing.'' Yoongi responded. He took a sip of his coffee and turned his gaze towards the window, staring outside. Hoseok chuckled and Yoongi raised his eyebrows,

''we've been friends for a long time, do you really think I don't see that something's up?'' Yoongi dropped his head on the table and sighed. He could feel Hoseok's eyes on him and he was debating whether to tell the other or not. If he told Hoseok, Hoseok would demand for Yoongi to live with him until everything had died down and the other would be worried twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. But, if he didn't tell him and the Mandela's would actually catch him, Hoseok wouldn't know who did it.

Against his better judgment, Yoongi lifted his head. He started in a whisper, ''you can't anyone, alright?'' Hoseok was quick to nod and mention for Yoongi to carry on, and Yoongi sighed.

''You know I used to be a part of this group called the Guard's right?,'' Hoseok nodded, but was quick to frown, ''used to? What happened?''

''our rivals, the Mandela's, have gone mad. They've started killing members of the Guards like we're some sort of bug. We were all advised to delete our traces and not tell anyone until everything was over.'' Yoongi said, and Hoseok sighed. He smacked Yoongi across the head after a couple of seconds, and Yoongi shrugged,

''guess I deserved that.'' Hoseok nodded, ''hell yeah you did, hyung! Are you insane, you were threatened!!?'' Hoseok whisper-yelled, and Yoongi shushed him. ''it's fine, honestly. I erased my traces and no one even knew my real name in that server, so all they have is an old screenname. They won't find me, Hoseok.'' Yoongi said, and Hoseok closed his eyes.

''they better not find you.'' He said, and Yoongi cracked a small smile. ''it's going to be fine, hyung. I promise.''


Jungkook was staring at his screen in disbelief. He had clicked on the delete button about ten times now, but the server was still there. The Mandela server was still present on their screen and messages were still popping up.

Jungkook had tried to leave the organisation once before, the second he knew they started killing, but he couldn't. They blocked every single 'exit' the server had. Jungkook his eyes were wide open as he watched pictures pop up from people's houses on fire, corpses laying on the floor and people yelling in videos.

It scared Jungkook.

The younger was quick to go offline and turn off his computer. He went on there to finish his part for the game him and Taehyung were making, and he had mailed all the codes to the older. The project was done and in a few weeks they were supposed to show and present it to their teachers.

Jungkook frowned as he watched his computer shut off, and after a few seconds, all he could see was a reflection of his face on the black screen. He sighed and looked at his trashy room. It was a mess. Stuff was everywhere, from takeout boxes to dirty clothes, everything was on display for everyone to see. So, the young male stood up and closed the curtains.

He decided it was best to get some fresh air, so he slipped his shoes on and grabbed his keys before leaving his room. He closed the door and locked it, before walking down the corridor. It was around seven pm, so it was starting to get dark. Some may say it isn't the best time to go outside, but Jungkook couldn't care less.

The younger wanted some fresh air.


Jungkook didn't know how he ended up in the café where he had learned that Yoongi his first name was Yoongi. He didn't want to be there, but his feet took him there nonetheless. So, the younger decided to make the best out of the situation and finally actually eat one of their cupcakes. He ordered the same cupcake he had a few weeks back and a cup of tea, before finding a seat right next to a window.

The streets were starting to quiet down, he noted. Fewer people were walking around and soon enough, it was dark out. Jungkook had quietly finished his tea and was just starting his cupcake, when someone walked into the café.

Jungkook turned his gaze to look at who walked in, but he was quick to turn his head away again. It was Yoongi. Since Jungkook hadn't gone to school for the past week and a half, he hadn't seen the male in a while.

Yoongi looked tired. The way he walked gave away that the older was exhausted. He kept his black hair and Jungkook loved it. Jungkook blushed as he heard his own thoughts.

Yoongi hadn't left the younger his thoughts since Jimin and him talked about everything that had happened between Yoongi and Jungkook. Jungkook didn't tell Jimin about freshman year, of course, but he kind of understood it now.

Yoongi is not his ex. Yoongi is a kind, kind of strange, human being who could love Jungkook more than enough, just as much love as Jungkook needed.

When Yoongi called Jungkook a few days back, Jungkook felt his body warm up the second he heard the older talk. But now that the older was so close and in actual eye sight, Jungkook's body was burning up.

He silently hoped Yoongi would sit down in the seat in front of Jungkook, or somewhere he could spot Jungkook. But, Jungkook's prayers weren't heard as he watched Yoongi order a to go coffee and walk out of the shop.

Jungkook was quick to stand up and abandon his cupcake. He didn't know what he was doing as he rushed out of the café and witnessed Yoongi turning a corner.


im leaving you on a cliff-hanger loll.
anyway I hope you enjoyed! What do you think, will Jungkook actually talk to Yoongi or will he walk home? What do you guys want?

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I'm in a terrible place and school is getting me more help than I already have at the moment, because my current therapy isn't really helping at all.

But u guys don't care about that lol,


Ill see you next chapter!

x D. 

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