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''stop walking.'' The air was crisp, a cold atmosphere formed around the two figures on the sidewalk. It was raining harshly and the three people on the sidewalk were soaked before they knew it. Something cold was pushed against the nape of the neck of the smaller male, and a loud noise echoed through the street in just a few seconds.


''last night another shooting happened around midnight in the southern part of town. It is advised that citizens look out for each other.'' Jungkook was curled into a tiny ball as the news was displayed on his computer screen. The school year was coming to an end, only a few weeks left. Jungkook had hoped The Mandela's had stopped killing, but this proved otherwise.

Jungkook shot up from his safe ball form and grabbed his phone, dialling Yoongi. After a few seconds of beeping, a groggy sounding Yoongi answered. ''uhm hello, this is Min Yoongi speaking?'' Jungkook sighed in relief.

''thank god hyung you're okay.'' Jungkook dropped onto his mattress once again, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder. ''what? Jungkook of course I am, are you okay?'' Jungkook giggled, still on the rush of the fact that Yoongi was okay.

''I'm great hyung! I'm glad you're okay.''

''okay Jungkook it's seven in the morning on a Saturday, where is this coming from?'' Jungkook sighed, ''they reported another shooting, and the victim didn't survive. I knew you were on the south part of town so I got worried.'' Yoongi had told Jungkook during their makeup dinner two days ago that the older his best friend lived in the southern part of town and that he was paying a visit.

''Jungkookie I'm okay. I went home at eleven thirty, so I wasn't in that part of town anymore when it happened.'' Jungkook sighed as he listened to Yoongi. ''I'm sorry for calling you this early, hyung. I know sleep is your best friend.''

''it's fine, as long as it doesn't become a custom.'' Jungkook told him it wouldn't and then he hung up. Jungkook sighed as he dropped his phone onto his mattress and he turned to the screen. ''authorities aren't sure who was the perpetrator, but it is suspected that this was once again the work of the now feared gang The Mandela's.''

It was as if Jungkook got hit in his face every time someone mentioned the Mandela's. Jungkook didn't want to be a part of the group anymore, but leaving wasn't an option. Jungkook dropped his head into his hands, and he sobbed. He had thought about telling Yoongi that he knew about the murders, that he had evidence, but he was scared.

He was terrified that The Mandela's would track him down and kill him, and everyone he loves. He was afraid it would be Kayoung all over again.

Jungkook continued sobbing as the memories of his ex-boyfriend threatening him and his loved ones if Jungkook were to ever leave. The younger was terrified and that same feeling was rushing through his veins at this current moment. It was as if Jungkook was back in their shared apartment and waiting for Kayoung to come home.

Jungkook's breathing pattern fastened and he was shaking. He didn't know what to do to get his breathing under control. He tried to grab his phone and he succeeded after a few seconds, and he dialled his emergency contact.


''please.... Please c-come.''


Taehyung burst through the door and Jungkook was shaking at this point. His entire body was malfunctioning and he didn't even notice Taehyung storming in until he felt two arms wrap around his body. ''Jungkook,'' Taehyung grabbed the younger boy his face in to his two hands and forced the rapidly breathing boy to look him in the eye, ''I need you to calm down.'' Taehyung repeated that a few times until he noticed Jungkook his breathing slow down.

After a few minutes of waiting for Jungkook to get himself together again, Taehyung spoke up. ''what happened?'' Jungkook shook his head. He took a sip of the water Taehyung had brought him from the kitchen and he stayed silent. ''nothing. Just a panic attack, that's all.''

''Jungkook,'' Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook properly, ''you haven't had them this bad since freshman year of college. What is triggering them again?'' Taehyung didn't know about Kayoung. Nobody did. And Jungkook didn't want people to know.

''I'm just stressed because of school..'' Taehyung chuckled bitterly, ''that's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. Our exams are over! There's no need to stress anymore,'' Taehyung turned to look Jungkook in the eye, and the black haired boy averted his eyes to the computer screen once again. ''tell me the truth, Jungkook.''

Jungkook shook his head, ''I can't.'' Taehyung sighed, ''fine. But I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth.'' Jungkook kept silent and had expected for Taehyung to start yelling, but the older didn't. ''I'll leave now.'' Jungkook nodded and waited for Taehyung to leave the room, only to start crying again.

This time though, the tears were soft and slow, long trails of tears finding their way across his cheeks. The waterfalls were closed and now it was time for the slight rain.


wow this sucked. I'm sorry for not updating (I feel like I say this every damn chapter). My best friend gave me Netflix and I finished How I Met Your Mother and Riverdale both in a span of two weeks. I neglected writing and I'm sorry.

I'm leaving for holiday on Saturday and I'll be gone for at least a week and a half, so no updates until I'm back, I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this though,

x D.

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