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 Yoongi frowned as he walked into his classroom. His two pm class was already seated and were already typing along on their computers, but something was off. Yoongi placed his bad next to his desk and sat on the wooden surface, scanning the room for the missing thing.

He sighed and shook his head as he saw one person was missing next to Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook wasn't present in the room, and somehow Yoongi's body temperature felt like it dropped ten degrees. Yoongi flinched away from himself and stood up. He made his way towards Taehyung and bowed his head a little to see what the boy was doing.

It seemed like he was cutting some of the artwork for their exam project, and a small smile appeared onto Yoongi's face. The older could see how the character Taehyung was currently cutting was supposed to represent Jungkook. The character had dark brown hair and was quite muscular. But, the thing that gave away that it was indeed supposed to be Jungkook was the amount of precision Taehyung put into cutting it.

Yoongi could see Taehyung and Jungkook were very good friends just by that simple interaction. It reminded him of how Hoseok and he used to be when they were younger and much more relaxed. Yoongi sighed mournfully, he missed those times.

''Oh, Hi Min-kyoosonim.'' Yoongi averted his gaze from the back of the classroom towards Taehyung, who was looking up at him with wide eyes. ''good afternoon, Kim.'' Yoongi nodded at the younger, who nodded his head too.

''Perhaps, do you happen to know where Jeon Jungkook is?'' Yoongi asked, and Taehyung's mouth morphed itself into a smile.

''He told me he was sick today, sir.'' Yoongi immediately started to worry. How sick was the younger? Was he okay? Was someone taking care of him? Was he alone?

Nevertheless, Yoongi nodded and thanked Taehyung before returning to his desk. The male sat down and wiped his face. He sighed as he opened one of the books he had brought, preparing himself for an hour and a half of reading.

But, his mind did not agree to giving him a break. All he could see was Jungkook laid in bed, coughing his lungs out and almost choking on mucus. Yoongi sighed and closed his book. He looked towards his students and smiled.

They were all so hardworking and completely deserved to graduate and get a good job, but deep down Yoongi knew that they, too, were going to fall for the traps that certain gangs had set up. Yoongi remembered his first ever job for The Guards, he was considered a rookie.

Even though the male had been in multiple news articles and was known for his talent when it came to programming worldwide, he was considered a rookie.

The world of IT was going to be hard on these students, and Yoongi hated it. He wanted them to get the job they wanted. For example, he knew that Jungkook wanted to get a job at Nintendo and develop games under their massive brand name.

Yoongi smiled as Jungkook came back to mind, and the 24-year old felt like smacking himself with a brick. Why does he get so giddy whenever something is about the younger?


''Fuck fuck fuck!'' Yoongi cussed under his breath. It was pouring out and he, the stupid dumbass he is, forgot his umbrella. Yoongi was sort of sprinting down the sidewalk, trying to find a store that was still open so he could take some shelter.

Eventually, he saw a small convenient store which had their doors still open, so he ran in. He finally let his arm rest beside his body, his bag softly dropping to the floor. The store clerk looked up from his comic and smiled at Yoongi. Yoongi bowed his head and grabbed his bag before walking off to grab a basket.

While he was there, grabbing some groceries wasn't a bad idea. Yoongi dropped some chips into his basket and some cashew nuts. He walked over to the fish and grabbed some haddock. He was planning on making some Fish n Perilla chips. He also grabbed a six pack of his favouritebeer and started making his way towards the register.

However, he walked by an aisle that carried soup and all sorts of products. He stopped walking and looked at the soup. He thought of Jungkook, alone in his room and smiled.


''Jungkook!'' Jungkook shot his head up, which was not a smart idea. He groaned as his lungs started protesting against the sudden movement. He slowly opened his eyes to see Taehyung and Jimin standing there, looking down on him as he was laid spread across his mattress.

''ever thought of buying a proper bed?'' Jimin asked, making Taehyung chuckle. Jimin looked at Taehyung with heart eyes, and Jungkook decided it was the best time to fake a cough. He coughed for a few seconds and turned to look at his friends again.

''what.. doing here?'' he asked, some words not coming out of his mouth due to his dry mouth.

''we're here to take care of you, of course! Namjoon-hyung couldn't come along because he was going on a date with Seokjin-hyung. But hey, we're here!'' Taehyung said, plopping a plastic bag down onto Jungkook's desk chair.

Jimin draped his jacket across the floor and sat down on it, running a hand through his fresh dyed pink hair. Jungkook already knew Taehyung loved it, because he had gotten at least a hundred messages from the older a few days ago when Jimin had dyed it.

''thanks guys.'' Jungkook smiled at his friends and sat up slowly. Taehyung was quick to rush and put his pillow in the right spot, so that Jungkook was able to lean against the pillow instead of the wall.

''we bro-'' the doorbell rang through the small studio apartment, interrupting Taehyung mid-sentence. He groaned, making Jimin giggle. Jungkook waved Taehyung off and he shrugged, walking towards the door, disappearing in the small hallway.

As soon as Jimin heard the front door open, he turned to Jungkook and said; ''he's so cute!'' really quietly. Jungkook sighed and nodded, ''just ask him out!'' but before Jimin could react to Jungkook, Taehyung entered the room with a plastic bag.

''ask who out?'' Jimin looked at Jungkook and shook his head. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and shrugged. Taehyung pouted but Jungkook winked, hoping the older would take the hint that he would tell him later.

''anyway, who was that?'' Jimin asked, trying to change the subject quickly. Taehyung shrugged, ''no one was actually there, but I saw some black shoes turn the corner at the very end of the hall. They brought you soup?''

Jungkook frowned, ''who else knows I'm sick?'' he asked softly. Taehyung gasped and almost dropped the soup packets. He smiled at Jungkook who was looking at him with questionable eyes.

''I told Min-kyoosoonim, which you asked me to. And I told some other students. They must know where you live and brought you some, maybe?'' Taehyung said, shrugging.

''You just gasped as if though you made a grand discovery, and that was it?'' Jimin asked, making Taehyung nod. Jungkook sighed and nodded, not completely believing his best friend but dropping it.

''anyway, it was nice of them. But, we brought your favourite soup, which they didn't.''


hey guys, it's been a while huh. The last time I updated this it was april. Yikes.
anyway, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I feel like updates will be more frequent from now on. I'm almost done with school, only four weeks left and after that I have summer break until September, so I'll have tons of time to write.

Ill be going into my senior year then, yikes. Anyhow, if you have any questions as to why I wasn't here for a while, you can DM me. I don't want to disclose that information here.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Am I the only one who feels like Taehyung is holding something secret from our Jungkookie?

And awh, our poor Yoongi is falling.

Anyway, I'll see you guys soon

x D.

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