Twenty One.

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After two weeks, Yoongi was stable. His kidney was healing and the wound was almost closed. After surgery, doctors were sure everything was going to be alright. He was still in the hospital, since his kidney wasn't completely okay, but it couldn't take long for Yoongi to be released.

''so how's Kayoun doing?'' Yoongi asked, a smirk on his face. The male was arrested while Jungkook was busy with Yoongi and Hoseok. The male had a lawyer but he had no feet to stand on, he was caught red handed. While Jungkook was kind of scared about the fact that he stabbed Kayoun, the police assured him that it was categorized as self-defence, so he wouldn't get in trouble for that.

''I got a call today about the Court Date. It's in two months.'' Yoongi nodded at Jungkook's words, his smile growing genuine. Jungkook was eating healthy again and had gone to school for the first time in weeks two days ago, and Yoongi was proud.

''He got charged with the murders from your colleagues too..'' Jungkook whispered, turning to look at Yoongi in his hospital bed. Yoongi was thin, even skinnier than he already was. His skin was twice as pale and he looked weak, but Jungkook couldn't blame him. ''Oh.. he'll be locked up for a while then, thank god.'' Yoongi said, and Jungkook nodded.

A silence felt, and Jungkook's guilt grew bigger as he watched Yoongi move. He still hadn't told Yoongi about what happened in freshman year between him and Kayoun. He hadn't told anyone. He was scared everyone would get mad, he was terrified they would find him disgusting and weak. Although Jungkook's mind reassured him thousands of times that he couldn't help it, his brain told him differently.

''Does his charge also contain what he did to you?'' Yoongi asked after a few minutes of silent, and Jungkook was quick to lower his head. He shook his head slowly. ''why not?'' Yoongi yelled, ''he deserves to rot in prison for eternity.'' He continued, and Jungkook flinched.

''I know.'' He yelled back, standing up. ''then why won't you do it?'' Yoongi yelled,

''Because I'm scared and weak!'' Jungkook yelled, walking out of the room. He knew Yoongi must think he was oh so mature, but he couldn't care less. Yes, Yoongi made his heart skip a beat, yes Jungkook felt warmer when Yoongi was near and Jungkook liked Yoongi a lot, god, maybe even loved, but he was scared that once he revealed what had happened, he'd lose part of who he was.

He never told anyone what happened because he was scared a part of who he was would fade away in the tears he'd shed while talking about it. He was scared that once he had told one person, all of the sudden everyone knew. Although Jungkook knew not everyone would know, he was still scared that he'd lose part of himself as soon as he told someone.

Jungkook was out of the hospital in a rush, his legs taking him to a place he knew all too well. He walked all the way towards the apartment, and he pushed the bell. After a few seconds, he heard someone answering;

''Jungkook, are you alright?'' Jungkook hadn't even realized he was crying until Taehyung pointed it out. ''no.'' he answered, a sob leaving his mouth. Taehyung opened the door, and Jungkook walked into the apartment building. He ran up the two flights of stairs to Taehyung's apartment, and knocked on the door.

Taehyung was quick to open the door and engulf Jungkook in a hug. Jungkook sobbed into his best friend's shoulder, and that's when he realized. No matter what, Jungkook would stay the same, even if he told his story. His friends wouldn't judge him, they would support him. Yoongi wouldn't be disgusted, he'd listen and comfort Jungkook.

And they would move on. He could leave it behind.

''I need to tell you something.'' Jungkook said, slightly pulling away from the hug. Taehyung nodded, ''before you do though. Is it something everyone is allowed to hear? Seokjin-Hyung, Jimin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung are here too.'' Jungkook felt a pang of hurt course through his chest for not being invited, but he forgave them, as he would've probably not come and stayed with Yoongi.


Jungkook shook his head, he needed to tell everyone first before telling Yoongi. ''it's fine. They should know too.'' Taehyung nodded and led Jungkook into the living room, where everyone was seated on the two couches Taehyung owned, playing a game of monopoly.

''Hey kookie!'' Namjoon said, standing up and walking towards the young male, embracing him. ''hey hyung.'' He said, hugging him back. ''haven't seen you in a while, kook.'' Seokjin said from the couch, and Jungkook released himself from Namjoon's hug, only to be tackled by Jimin. ''missed you.'' He said, hugging Jungkook really tight.

Jungkook smiled as tears of gratitude started pooling in his eyes. ''Jungkook is here to tell us something.'' Taehyung said, and Jimin raised his eyebrows. He let go of Jungkook and stood next to Taehyung, the younger of the two wrapping an arm around the older his waist.

Jungkook smirked and winked at Taehyung, who made a 'tch' noise. They all decided to sit down, and everyone's attention was pointed at Jungkook.

And he began speaking. He talked about how him and Kayoun met in a bar close to Jungkook's old apartment. How Kayoun showed him the city and was very nice in the beginning, but gradually grew more controlling and abusive. He demanded that Jungkook moved in with him so he could control him, he forced Jungkook to do things the younger didn't want to. Jungkook let it all out while talking, tears flowing from his eyes in a waterfall of emotions.

Jungkook told them how they broke up. Kayoun had gone out of town for a few days, and Jungkook had moved all his stuff to his current studio apartment. He changed his number and never talked to Kayoun again.

After Jungkook was done, everyone was silent. Everyone was processing what Jungkook had told them. The first one to say something was Seokjin. ''it happened right under our noses, and we didn't do shit.'' Jungkook shook his head, ''you guys could've never known. I hid the bruises and on days I couldn't handle it I called in sick.'' Taehyung sighed,

''why didn't you tell us sooner?'' Jungkook would've liked to just shrug and say, ''I don't know,'' but he couldn't do that. He could've done that when it was a small thing, but this wasn't something small. So, he decided to be honest. ''I was scared to do so.'' Jimin wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulders, and soon enough, they were engulfed in a group hug.

After a few minutes of silence and everyone hugging, Jungkook's phone rang. Jungkook was quick to answer and his heart beat grew rapid.

''Jeon Jungkook?,''

''yeah that's me, what's wrong?''

''nothing is wrong. Jung Hoseok has woken up.''



okay so tbh I'm kind of done with the angst in this story. I like angst, but not too much, so yeah. That's a bit of a hint. Hope you guys enjoyed. I wrote this with a massive stomach ache so I hope u did.

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x D.

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