Chapter 2

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With Aladdin:

  It was a peaceful day in Sindria. As Aladdin, Morgiana, and Alibaba were training, they saw the portal.

"Hey! What's that thing in the air?" Alibaba asked

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." said Aladdin 'The rukh are reacting to it.'

"I hope nothing bad happens" said Morgiana

"Well, whatever it is, something looks like its coming out" said Alibaba.

With Sora:

'I wonder what this will lead to' Sora thought. "How long are you gonna stall? Fight me for real!"

"Don't be so hasty. Besides, I want to destroy you in a different place" Mera said 'Once we get out of my portal, then the real battle.'

  When they came out, Mera immediately rushed at Sora and attacked her. If it weren't for Sora's transformation, then the attack could have put some real damage on her. As they were fighting, Sora thought back to when she saw Mera's weakness. It was when Mera reacted to one her fire magic.

'I wonder if this will work' Sora smirked "Fire Dragon of the Ultimate Flame!"

  With that attack done, the dust cleared revealing a hurt and scared Mera.

"Looks like I win" Sora said, grinning.

"B-but that's impossible. How?!" Mera exclaimed.

"Well I noticed that you reacted to this attack. So, I put two and two together, and there ya have it. Hey, I was wondering if we could fight again 'cause you're a really good fighter!" Sora exclaimed.

"You win, and I wouldn't mind fighting you. But not right now" Mera said.

"Huh? Why not" Sora asked sadly.

"Well, I wanted to fight you before I disappeared" Mera said

"W-what do you mean disappear?"

"Exactly as it sounds. You see, I have fulfilled my destiny. Goodbye"

  Starting to disappear, Mera looked at Sora and promised she would fight her again.

"Let's meet again sometime, and fight!" Sora exclaimed

  After saying that, Sora got out of her dragon form. Grinning from ear to ear, Sora was glad she got to meet Mera. Even though it wasn't exactly how she wanted to befriend her. When Mera finally disappeared, Sora cried a little because she kind of liked Mera. In Sora's opinion, she wanted to meet her in Fairy Tail so they could be friends.

With Aladdin:

'It looks like she went back to the flow of the rukh' Aladdin thought.

"That was an awesome fight. This makes me want to fight her" exclaimed Alibaba.

'I wonder if she's a fanalis. If so, what type of household vessel did she use' Morgiana thought

"Morg, do you think she could be a fanalis" Aladdin asked.

"I hope so, Aladdin"

  With that said, Aladdin, Morgiana, and Alibaba went to meet the young Dragon Slayer. Sora was tired and tried to stay awake, however, the fight drained some of her magic and she decided it was time to search for a place to rest. When Aladdin, Morg, and Alibaba finally got to where Sora was, they were about to talk to her but noticed she was a little tired. They offered for her to stay at Sinbad's palace and she thought they couldn't be bad so she complied.

With Sinbad:

When Sinbad saw the fight, he couldn't believe his eyes. In all his years, he has never seen magic like Sora's.

'Well that was eventful. She could be a good ally to have at Sindria' Sinbad thought "Hey Ja'far, what do you think about that girl with the pink hair beside Aladdin?"

"I think she's suspicious, but could be a good asset to Sindria, though if she harms anyone here I wouldn't think twice to kill here"

"Well, we'll have to wait and see" Sinbad smirked


A/N: I'm so sorry my chapters are short I promise I will try to make them longer. If you want to suggest something, I am up for it. It could help me make this better.

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