Chapter 8

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"What's happened to him?" Haku asked

"He's succumbed to the dark intentions." Aladdin said

  They made a plan to break the ornament on Alibaba's forehead. Sora rushed at him and almost hit it but he blocked her attack. 'Looks like this ain't gonna be easy.' She smirked. "Fire Dragon Wing Slash!" Alibaba slashed through her attack. Morg came and tried to kick the ornament, but Alibaba blocked her attack too. She kept kicking, but Alibaba grabbed her leg and threw her in the wall.

"Lady Morgiana!" Haku yelled

"Hey! Alibaba, come back to your senses!" Sora yelled

"Out of my way." Alibaba said

  With that said, he tried to slash Sora to pieces but she dodged his attacks. "Where's the Alibaba I care about? I know you're in there, so come back to your senses!" With every attack, they dodged each other's attacks.

  As Haku was thinking of ways not being weak, he called Zagan to lend him power. When he appeared, Zagan gave him a wooden arm, the arm that got cut off. As Haku was thinking of a way to destroy the ornament, Morg was thrown to a wall again.

  As for Sora, she was keeping up with Alibaba's attacks. 'If only I could hit his forehead.' After Morg got up from the wall, she kicked Alibaba, but he only threw her again. Sora was getting really mad of seeing Morg getting thrown like a rag doll. "I don't want to hurt you Alibaba! So, please, stop fighting us! We're friends ain't we?!"

  While Haku was thinking, he saw Morg almost hit the wall. Running towards her, he managed to catch her before she hit the wall. He made a plan; he would be the distraction, along with Sora, and Morg would come and hit the ornament.

"Can you do it?" Haku asked

"Of coarse."

  With that, Haku charged at Alibaba. Sora understood what he was up to and decided to attack with her fists, so as not to burn him or Morg. When they finally got an opening, Morg knew it was time to finish this.


  With that, Morg came up running behind Haku and Sora, and managed to kick the ornament, breaking it. Alibaba screamed in pain. Aladdin could finally use Solomon's Wisdom.

In Sindria

  With Kogyoku's help, Sinbad's forces successfully defeated the remaining enemies. Watching this, Ithnan decided to flee away. Before he can get far, Sinbad appears before him and fully Djinn equips into Facolar. To Ithnan's surprise, Sinbad's body recovers. He also realizes that, despite half of Sinbad's body having already fallen into depravity, He's able to fully control his normal and black rukh.

"B-but how?!" Ithnan asked, shocked

  Sinbad used his black rukh, doing a finishing blow.

In Zagan

  As Aladdin was in Alibaba's conscience, he learns that part of Cassim's magoi still lives inside Alibaba. With Cassim's help, he finds Alibaba. Reaching him, Aladdin sees Alibaba is surrounded by dark rukh.

"There you are Alibaba!" Aladdin said happily, "I came to bring you home! Everyone's waiting for you!"

"Hey. Why... are we alive? If everything's already been decided by fate, then why do we have to live a life that's already been decided? I've made many mistakes; if even making mistakes is my destiny... Then I... Don't..."

"Are you really speaking from your heart? Alibaba... destiny's not something you're enslaved to. By overcoming it, the world is able to move forward. Since I met you, we've overcome many destinies together. Some of what we went through was sad and painful. But you've always gotten back on your feet. You never gave up. I know that you're a courageous person. The people that have been with you, are all thinking positive, ready to take on their challenges. Your courage is the power that moves the world. All you have to do is find a better way to go, with your battle as the rukh's. I'm sure you'll find a way, after all, you're the Alibaba whom I love so much!"

  Reaching his hand out, Alibaba took Aladdin's hand, causing all the black rukh on him to disappear.

  Outside of Alibaba's conscience, the corruption disappeared on his body. Morg, Haku, and Sora were all happy that he's back to normal.

  Back to Alibaba's conscience, they confront Ithnan. Aladdin asks him why Al Thamen wants to bring turmoil to the world. Recognizing him as an envoy of King Solomon, he shows Aladdin visions of Solomon's kingdom, Alma Toran, and the moment of destruction. Claiming that it's hard to dissuade him, Ithnan asks Alibaba to strike him down.

"I won't do it!"

  With that said, Ithnan smiles and returned to the flow of the rukh. When Aladdin and Alibaba woke up, Sora tackled them into a bone-crushing hug. They sweat tropped, and finally getting out of the hug, they left the dungeon; with the villagers saved and the treasure claimed.

"Aladdin, what's wrong?" Alibaba asked

"I want do my vow again."

  Sora was curious as to what Aladdin vowed to Alibaba, after all, she didn't know what happened before she met them.

"I vow to help you become king that shall properly guide the world!"

  Alibaba smiled at this. Aladdin was certain that their adventure was just beginning, along with an unexpected person.

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