Chapter 31

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  As Sora was protecting Igneel, he set a barrier around them. People nocticed this, and tried attacking. Sora looked at him to ask what he did.

"I put up a barrier."

  Sora didn't waste no time. She ran up to him and hugged him. She cried tears of joy when she finally touched him. She nuzzled her head into him. He wrapped his arm around her. Even if people were attacking the barrier, they would still have a reunion.

"You're really here. I thought I would never find you." Sora said. Her friends felt happy for her, but were sad. This meant they would have to say goodbye. Even Sinbad, Kouen, and Mu were conflicted with their emotions.

"Yes." Igneel smiled. Though Sora's expression turned into a serious one, he was calm.

"Where have you been?! Natsu and me have been lookin' all over for you!" She banged her fists against him. Silence. She continued with her ranting. "Why'd ya disappeared that day?! Why?!"

  With her friends, they saw all her emotions come out. Though they did see her angry and cheerful mostly, they have never seen her cry. Not once. For Sinbad, Kouen, and Mu, they wanted to go up and comfort her. It broke their hearts to see Sora like this. Mentally and physically, they couldn't. For Sinbad, he had a strange feeling he's seen this sight. All the time he was with her, he felt like he knew her before. 'But where? I don't think I've met her before. So why does she feel so nostalgic?'

  After Sora stopped hitting Igneel, he made her look up at him. "Sora, I had to go. It was for you and Natsu's own good."

"But Why?!" With all her ranting, she didn't notice he was starting to disappear.

"Sora I can't explain right now. In time, I will. Right now, you need to get back home." He turned serious.

"No! I want to know why ya disappeared!" She was not letting him off the hook just yet.

"Sora. Listen. Natsu is in trouble."

When she heard that, she was confused. "What do you mean?"

"If you don't get home, he could die." With that, the crystal glowed. It showed Natsu , and some of Fairy Tail, fighting Acnologia. Sora widened her eyes. They were all having a tough time. Most of them were all bandaged with various wounds.

  With Aladdin and everyone else, they tried calming the soldiers. The soldiers were about to destroy the barrier, but Kouen, Sinbad, and Mu ordered them to stop. For Sinbad, he was surprised to see so many people fighting to protect each other. For Kouen, he was more interested in Sora. He would try and make her stay by his side. For Mu, he was astonished by what he saw. They all were thinking of a plan to make Sora stay.

  As Sora saw everyone fighting, they were no match for Acnologia. He was too strong. Looking back at Igneel, she asked how she could get back home to help fight.

"I can get you back home with a portal I made myself."

"Since when can you do that?!" She asked dumbfounded.

"Don't underestimate what I can do, Sora." Chuckling, he made a portal out of fire. Before she stepped in, Sora transformed into her ultimate for. Before she went in, she decided to say goodbye. When she looked at her friends, they all had sad looks.

"C'mon guys! Don't be so sad!" She grinned at them.

"But we might not see you again." Alibaba said

"Don't say that! Of coarse we'll see each other again, after all, we're friends!" She looked at Igneel. "Hey. Dad. Promise me you'll explain to me and Natsu, soon."

"I will." Nodding, he looked toward the scene of the fight. "You should go."

"Okay!" Walking up to the portal, she was about to step in if it wasn't for Sinbad.

"Sora wait!" Sinbad finally remembered why she was so nostalgic.

She looked towards him. "What is it, Sin?"

"I remember meeting you when I was a teen!"

Sora was confused. She definitely knows that she's never been here before. 'Has Sin lost it?!'

Igneel thought it was time to tell her. "Sora, you have been here before. With me."

"What do ya mean?"

  He explained that when she was little, he transported her here to train. When Sora asked about Natsu, he said he made a clone of himself, to train with Natsu, before leaving. Also, he mentioned that she met a boy, around her age, Sinbad. "I'll explain better, later, Sora. For now, you should go to Natsu." As for Muu, he remembered meeting a girl, around his age, when he was little. His eyes widening, he cried a little. He was about to go after her and tell he met her before, but refrained.

"Okay." Before anyone could stop her, she ran into the portal. Once she got to the other side, Natsu was thrown into her. "Geez Natsu. Think ya could stop ramming into me." Smirking, she got them both to the ground. By the sound of her voice, he turned around, shocked.

"Sora! What are you doing here?!"

"It's nice to know you want me here."

  When Fairy Tail heard her voice, they smiled. They were relieved to know she was okay. Sadly, they couldn't have a reunion with her; they had to focus on beating Acnologia. Sora was ready to join the fight.

  While Sora was in the portal, igneel was starting to fade away. Before he faded away completely, Sinbad asked why he forgot about Sora.

"I made everyone ,who she met, forget. I'm sorry, but it was to keep her safe."

  Before anyone could say anything, Igneel disappeared. He went back inside of Sora and Natsu. For Ja'far and Masrur, they remembered meeting Sora. Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morg were curious as to how Sinbad met her.

"I'll tell you guys later."

  Aladdin asked if any of the eight generals knew her before, and Masrur and Ja'far said they met her. Once they got back to Sindria, Sinbad, Masrur, and Ja'far would tell their journey of how they met Sora.

  As for Fairy Tail, they weren't winning. When they were joining hands, Acnologia shot a giant beam at them. Before they could react, Mavis made the island disappear, making it look like Acnologia destroyed. As he thought he destroyed the island with Fairy Tail, he flew away. Mavis made them sleep for the next seven years.


A/N: Hey everyone! It's the end. Since everyone wants a prequel, I will do it. Do note it probably won't be what you imagined. I'm sorry if don't like it. With that, I bid you goodbye! For now, at least.

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