Chapter 3

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  While walking toward the palace, Sora was talking of her adventures. Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morg were amazed by what she went through. Aladdin was wondering where her rukh was but decided not to ask, for it would arouse suspicions. 'I'll just ask her in private.' Finally arriving at the palace, Sinbad was there to greet them, along with Ja'far and Masrur. Sora had the feeling she shouldn't trust him.

"Welcome to Sindria, Miss" Sinbad said, trying to seduce her. Kissing her hand

"Just call me Sora" 'This guy already makes me want to punch him. If Aladdin trusts him, I'll try to trust him, but I don't like him. He's too suspicious.'

"Well you're welcome to stay here, as my guest."

"Wait a minute. Are you the king?"

"Yes, I am."

  Sora was amazed this man was a king. As she was looking around, she decided it was time to look around Sindria and find a way home. Seeing her distress, Sinbad offered to tour Sora around Sindria. Sora hesitated but complied.

Time skip ~~~~

  Sora was quite amazed everywhere she looked. It was hard for Sinbad to keep up with her but was happy she was enjoying herself. Sinbad thought she was like a little kid who got a gift on her birthday.

"Hey! Sinbad hurry up, or I'm gonna leave ya!"

"What if you get lost?"

"Don't worry about it. I can just use your scent to get back to the palace."

"Sora I need to ask you something. Are you a fanalis?" Sinbad was waiting all day to ask Sora questions. It was true, she looked liked a fanalis and had the strength but was different at the same time.

"No, I'm a Dragon Slayer. What's a fanalis?"

  Sinbad explained what a fanalis was and how rare they are to find nowadays. Sora was truly amazed but at the same time mad that people could turn them into slaves. Calming down a little, Sora explained what a Dragon Slayer was and told him what happened on July 7. Sinbad was truly amazed that this girl trained under a dragon, even lived with one. Sinbad asked about her childhood, and Sora told him about Igneel and Natsu and how she found Fairy Tail. He could see she missed her family and wanted get back home as soon as possible.

"I could help you find a way home, if you like" Sinbad truly wanted to help Sora

"Actually, I wanted to stay awhile to look Igneel. If I don't find him then I'll look for a way home."

"Alright, but know that I am here help."

"Thanks for the offer." 'He can't be all that bad' Sora thought

"I think it's time we go back to the palace."


Time skip~~~~~

  Arriving at the palace, Sinbad was exhausted. As for Sora, she was still running around.

'How can she be so energetic. Oh well, she had fun' Sinbad thought "Would you like me to escort you to your room?"

"Nah. You don't have to"

"But you don't know where your room is"

"Oh, then lead the way."

  With that said, Sinbad led Sora to her room. Though he still had a lot of questions, it would have to wait the next day, however, that didn't mean he wasn't suspicious of her. In fact, he wanted to know everything about her. 'Wait, why do I want to know everything about her. It must be that she's different. Yeah, that must be it.' Snapping out of his thoughts, Sinbad finally found where Sora was to sleep.

"Well, this is your room. Tomorrow, you are going to meet the 8 Generals."

"Okay. Goodnight Sinbad!"


  What Sinbad didn't know is that his destiny would be bound together by Sora.

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