Chapter 11

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  The next day, Sora got out of bed and headed for breakfast. On her way there, a maid ran into her. Before she could say anything, the maid glared at her.

"Why do you hang around King Sinbad?" the maid asked annoyed.

" 'Cause he's my friend."

"Stay away from him!"

  Sora was starting to get really mad. 'What I wouldn't give to slap her across the face!' "Why would I stay away from him?"

"Do you like him?"

"Of coarse. He's my friend!"

  The maid was confused. She thought this girl was her enemy. 'Could she be dense?!' "I mean do you like him romantically?"

"Why would I like someone like Sinbad?!"

"Well, this is King Sinbad we're talking about. He's the perfect man every girl wants." the maid said dreamily.

"For your information, I don't like him that way. Sure, he's a guy every girl dreams of, but he's a person, not an object you keep with you to show off." And with that, Sora walked off.

  As for the maid, she was disappointed in herself. 'Do I really treat King Sinbad that way?'

  What they didn't know was that Sinbad was listening in on their conversation. He was a little sad that Sora didn't see him in a romantic way but also a little glad; she sees him for who he really was.

  While Sora was walking, she smelled Aladdin's scent. Deciding to follow it, she found him next to Dunya. Walking in the room, she saw him in Dunya's breasts. "Aladdin, what do you think you're doin'?!"

"Oh, hi Sora!" Aladdin said after getting out of her breasts. "I was just getting something out of Miss Dunya's chest!"

  Don't think Sora wasn't agitated. It wasn't because she didn't see this coming, she was just amazed he could get away with this. She never saw him doing this. 'He would definitely fit in with Fairy Tail.' she sweat dropped.

"Sora, did you need anything?"

"No. I just wanted to see what you were up to."

  Glancing at Dunya, Sora noticed she was not talking. She was just laying in bed, listening. She noticed that as soon that she came into the room that Dunya stopped talking to Aladdin. It was almost as if she only trusted Aladdin. "I think I'm gonna go!"

Time skip~~~~~~~~~

  Walking around, Sora noticed Sinbad walking in the direction of Dunya's room. "Hey, Sin!"

  Turning around, he saw Sora. "Hello, Sora."

"What ya up to?"

"I'm on my way to Miss Dunya's room. Would you like to join me?"


  With that, they walked to her room. Finally there, they saw Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morg there. "Hey, guys!" Sora said

  She noticed that they looked sad. She was very confused. 'Now that I think about it, Aladdin has been spending more time with Dunya.' Getting the hint, she kind of had a hint of what was to come. "Hey, Sin, did ya know that she was goin' to die?" She was sad that Dunya was dying, and mad that Al Thamen could do this to a person.

  Looking at Sora, he noticed she was sad and mad. "Yes. I'm sorry we didn't tell you."

"What do you mean 'we'?"

  Looking back, Aladdin, Morg, and Alibaba gave her a sorrowful. They all decided to not tell Sora, for she would go look for Al Thamen and try to kill them. Alibaba and Morg wanted to tell her, but Aladdin said no because Sora could go and look for Al Thamen, and try to get revenge. Aladdin cared for her; he didn't want her to fall in depravity. Explaining to her, he saw that she was extremely mad. "Sora, please don't do anything rash!"

"Ya know, I'm gettin' tired of Al Thamen taking away people. I despise how they think they could do somethin' to this on a person. I think it's time they learned a lesson." Sora said with fire in her hands. She would surely reek havoc on them, even if she got hurt real bad.

  Walking away, Sora was about to fly off but Sinbad held her wrist before she could get far.

"Get. Off."

"No. You need to calm down."

"You think I can just stay calm when they somethin' like to a person!?"

"No, but we'll get revenge some time."

  Thinking she was calm, he let go of her. Don't think he wasn't mad; he was angry that he couldn't protect Dunya. In time, he would get rid of Al Thamen; even if he had to play dirty tricks. He just didn't want Sora in the middle of his plan. If she got hurt or killed, he would be heartbroken. Snapping out of his thoughts, he saw Sora walked away.

Time skip~~~~~~~~

  Finding Aladdin, she learned that he was going to embark on his own journey.


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