Chapter 25

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  A/N: I'm just gonna skip to a few days. Sora is on her way to the Dark Continent. I'm gonna imagine that Kouen is travelling somewhere. Sorry if he's a little out of character.


  It has been since Sora left for Dark Continent. She was beyond tired because she has walked since sundown. She collapsed on the ground. "Natsu... everyone... hold on... you too, Dad." She closed her eyes and rested.

With Kouen:

  For Kouen, he was in the carriage, waiting to reach his destination. The carriage stopped, making him wonder what happened. "What's wrong?" peeking out.

"Well, sir, there seems to be a person resting in the middle of the road." a random soldier said.(I'm gonna name him Sam.)

  Getting out of the carriage, Kouen did see someone, Sora, collapsed on the ground. When he saw her, he thought she was a Fanalis. As he wondered what she did to get in this situation, Sora stirred in her sleep, yet she didn't awake. Not thinking, he carried her into the carriage.

"Sir, don't you think you're being careless. She could be an assassin." Sam said.

"Who I choose to align myself with is none of your business." Climbing into the carriage, they continued the journey. Once Kouen set Sora down, he analyzed her.

Time skip~~~~

  When Sora woke up, she sat up. Though Kouen didn't show it, he was surprised she finally woke up. She looked at her surroundings, and looked at Kouen's face. They both watched each other. While he still analyzed her, Sora looked at him curiously. Blinking, she asked where she was.

"You are in my carriage." He then explained when he found her.

"Thanks! You're... really .. nice... man." She then ran to the window and stuck her head out. Kouen watched her curiously; Sora interested him. Once Sora got used to the carriage, she put her head back in and crisscrossed her legs. (crisscross-apple-sauce!)

"What were you doing before I found you?"

  Sora then explained she was on her way to the Dark Continent. Kouen asked if she was a Fanalis, and she answered 'no.' She went on explaining that she wasn't from this world and that she was a Dragon Slayer.

"What is a Dragon Slayer?" He truly was interested in her now. After all, he wanted to know everything about the world.

  Sora explained what that was. Kouen asked her a lot of questions connected to her home. She answered them. To her, he acted like a little kid that wanted to know what the world could offer. 

Time skip~~~~~

  As Sora was about to get out of the carriage, Kouen halted her, for he enjoyed her company in some weird way. Yes, he knew he was being selfish, but he couldn't understand why he didn't want her to leave him.

"When did I say you could leave?" Sora was confused.

"Why do I have to stay with ya 'til ya say otherwise?"

"I am a prince, so you have to do what I say." He couldn't think of anything else.

  When she heard this, she started to get annoyed. 'Spoiled brat!' "Just 'cause you're a prince, doesn't mean ya have authority over me." With that, she jumped out of the carriage. She started to run hearing Kouen give orders to not let her escape. She ran too fast for the soldiers to grasp her.

  For Kouen, when he saw Sora was getting ready to jump out, he was close to grasping her wrist but was too fascinated with her. 'What is wrong with me?!' He swore that the next time he saw her he would make her stay. (Let's just say that Kouen doesn't know what love feels like.)

Time skip~~~~~~

  Sora followed Igneel's scent. It would lead her to the Dark Continent.

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