Chapter 15

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  The next day, Sora awoke earlier than everyone. She noticed Alibaba had his arm around her waist. Wiggling out, she went to the deck. She noticed that her motion sickness hasn't gotten to her. Unlike Natsu, she can stand it after she gets on a vehicle once. Smiling, she watched the water. Thinking back, she remembers Natsu and her playing in the ocean with Igneel.


  As little kids, Igneel trained Natsu and Sora to be strong, with or without magic. As they were training, Sora thought it would be nice to play.

"Hey Dad, can we go to the ocean?!"

"Yeah!" Natsu shouted

"Well, I guess, but then you both will have to work on your studies."

"Okay!" Both agreed

Time skip~~~~~

  Arriving at the ocean, Natsu and Sora ran to the water.

"Last one to get there has to do the other's work!" Natsu shouted

  Running, Sora won.

"Ha! I win!"



  Bickering back and forth, Igneel watched them both. "Natsu, Sora won fair and square."

"She musta cheated! She probably used her speed that you've been teachin' her!"

"No I didn't! I just am faster than ya!"

  Putting both of their foreheads together, they looked at each other in eyes with fire in their eyes. Igneel knew that they wouldn't give up without a fight. Sweat dropping, he walked to both of them. He splashed water on them and laughed. Looking up, Natsu and Sora saw him laughing. They laughed, also. All three splashed water on each other until it was dawn.

Flashback over~~~~~

  Smiling, Sora noticed everyone was up. She noticed Alibaba was a little flustered.

"What's wrong, Alibaba?"


  Alibaba was still flustered around, for he dreamed about Sora. His dream was confusing. He was dreaming about Morg and Sora. That was all he remembered. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way. Sighing, his heart finally calmed down.

Time skip~~~~~~

  As night came, they all went to their respected hammocks. Sora saw a flustered Alibaba, again. Sweat dropping, she climbed in and went asleep. Alibaba climbed in, trying not to wake her. The same was for Haku.

  What they didn't know was that something was going to stop them on their journey in a few days.

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