Chapter 29

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  A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter isn't very good. I'm not very good at fight scenes. Again, sorry if the fight scene isn't what you expected. I don't remember Future Rogue's attacks. Sorry if he's out of character.


  When Aladdin looked at Sora, she was crying. "Sora, are you okay?" In a trance, Sora stood up and was about to run towards Igneel but was stopped by Aladdin. She struggled, but he wasn't budging from her wrist. He stopped her because Igneel was rampaging.

"Aladdin, let go!"

"It's dangerous to go over there."

"I don't care! That's my dad up there!" She finally got out of his grip, for Aladdin was surprised.

  As Sora passed by everyone, she yelled to get Igneel's attention. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Sinbad came up to her and asked why she wanted his attention.

"That's my dad."

"If that's your dad, then why is he attacking everyone?"

"I don't know, but I need to get him back to normal." With that, she ran towards Igneel. As she ran, people were going into the other direction, panicking. Some were fighting, but he was just to powerful for the soldiers. Once she got towards him, she transformed into her ultimate form and flew up. "Hey! Dad, what the heck is wrong with ya?!" No reply. She was angered by this.

  When she was about to talk again, something flew past her. When she looked at it, it was a ball of black flame. When she looked back at Igneel, she noticed someone on top of him. The man was attacking innocent people. 'Looks like he did somethin' to dad!' Anger was written all over her face.

  She tried to get on top of Igneel, but he was moving to fast. Before she could react, he clawed at her, sending her flying into the ground. She flew face first into the ground. She tried getting up, but her legs and arms hurt badly. 'Probably broken.' She coughed up blood. She looked up to see Aladdin, Alibaba, Morg, Sinbad, Kouen, and a lot more fighting Igneel. They did their best, but he was much to strong. 'Dad, why? You never would hurt a human, would ya? So, why?'

  Even if her bones were probably broken, she wasn't giving up. She thought of Natsu and the rest of her family. They never gave up without a fight, so why should she. She stood up and walked towards the fight. She didn't know what happened to Igneel, but she was definitely getting him back to normal. Even if she died, she wouldn't give up.

  As for everyone else, they didn't know what to do. They were stuck on how to defeat a dragon. Though they have been in a dungeon and defeated it, they never came across such a strong creature. Though Sinbad did fight against dragons in Baal, this dragon was much stronger than them. He noticed Sora walking up to the dragon and was about to stop her, for she was badly hurt by the looks of it. Before he could reach her, she suddenly yelled and went up to Igneel.

  Sora reached Igneel, and flew up to him. It was hard to reach him with all the attacking going on. Without him noticing, she finally got on his back. She took notice of a male standing on him. The male took notice of her, and tried to punch her with his black flames. She blocked his attack. Smirking, she punched him right back. He blocked.

"Hey. Mind tellin' me who ya are that way I'll know who I defeated."

"The names Rogue. And you are over-confident."

"Alright, Rogue. Mind tellin' me what happened to my dad?"

  He told her that he took control of Igneel, stating that he will gain control of both Magi and Fairy Tail worlds. (You know what I mean.)

"Well, I guess I'll have to stop ya!" They kept attacking each other.


A/N: I understand if you're confused about Rogue. Before he put his plan into action, he wanted to see if he could control dragons. So when he got to the Magi world, he did the experiment on Igneel. I'm still gonna let him continue his plan when he gets back to the Fairy Tail world.

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