Chapter 20

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  After Haku walked off, Alibaba and Sora approach him.

"Hey Haku." Alibaba said sorrowful


"Why did you kill Madaura? I know what she did was bad, but did you really have to do it?" Sora asked


  With that, he explains his objective, saying that he will kill his mother and brothers. Sora and Alibaba felt sad for him, but Sora walked up to Haku and slapped him across the face.

"Sora?!" Alibaba yelled

"You know. I feel bad about your past, but I don't think it's right to get revenge on your brothers. They probably had a reason."

"You know nothing! They didn't even try to stop what she did!"

"Yeah, you're right! But everyone has a reason for everything, even your mom!"

"She is NOT my mother!"

  While they were fighting, Alibaba tried to do something. He wanted to make them stop fighting; so he held Sora by the arms because she almost punched Haku. Haku walked off furious.

  For Aladdin, he saw the children falling into depravity. He wanted to help them but didn't know how. As he thought of ideas, he noticed Alibaba holding a angry Sora by the arm. When he let go of her, she stormed off to cool down. Once Alibaba arrives, he announces that he will take the pirates into custody.

"Are you crazy?!" one of the soldiers asked


"Alright then." Sighing, the soldiers agreed

  With that, Alibaba inspires the pirates to move on with lives, saying they will have each other.

Time skip~~~~~~~~

  Once the pirates set sell for Sindria, Haku walks off. Sora notices this, and goes to talk with him.

"Haku! Wait up!"

  Turning around, he was surprised to see Sora after their argument. Even though they've called down, that doesn't mean he wasn't mad.


"Sorry 'bout what I said."

  He was surprised to hear this. With her talking about family, he thought she would still be mad at him. In all honesty, he didn't think Sora was one to apologize; not after what she said. Snapping out of his thoughts, he noticed she stopped what she was saying.


"Right! I just think you should be careful. I know what that lady did to you was wrong, and I get where you're comin' from, but I learned that revenge isn't all that nice. Once you do go through with it, you probably will regret it later. Haku, I think you should just beat her up real bad, not kill her."

"I appreciate your concern, but this is something I have to do. Please understand."

  It was quiet after that. To break the tension, Haku asked her something.

"Why don't you come with me and help me defeat her?"


"Sora, I'll need all the help I can get. So, please?"

"Sorry.. But I wish you good luck."


With that, Sora walked away. But before she really disappeared, she yelled at Haku.

"Hey, Haku! Do a good beating on for me will ya? And don't regret this later on!"

"I will!"

  Walking away, Sora saw Morg.

"Hey Morg!"

"Hello Sora. Have you seen Haku?"

  Telling her where he is, Morg ran to him before he left.

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