Chapter 12

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  Standing next to the doorframe, Sora overheard Aladdin planning to go to Magnostadt alone. Walking in, she greeted Aladdin, Morg, and Alibaba.

"Hey Sora" Aladdin greeted

"Hey Aladdin"

  Noticing her sadness, Aladdin asked what was wrong. She said she overheard their conversation and apologized.

"It's alright. I was planning on telling you anyways."

  Without anymore interruptions, he explained that he will find out Magnostadt's involvement with Al Thamen.

"But Aladdin, let us go with you!" Alibaba said

"No. This is something I have to do for myself!"

"I think you should go alone, Aladdin!"

  Turning around, Alibaba found out Sora said that. He thought she was crazy. After all, Aladdin may be a Magi but he's still a kid. Even Morg thought he shouldn't go alone. She was afraid for his safety. As for Sora, she thought Aladdin had a reason for not taking them with him. It's not that she wasn't worried for his safety, she just knew they would meet again.

"But Sora-" Alibaba was interrupted

"He must have a reason for goin' alone. Besides, I believe he'll come back safely!" Sora said smiling

"Thanks Sora!"

Time skip~~~~

  After much arguing, It was decided Aladdin would be going alone on his journey. After that was decided, Morg stated that she wanted to go to the Dark Continent, her home.

"What are your plans, Sora?" Aladdin asked

"Well, I think I'll search for Dad! I'll go with Aladdin first, and then go to the Dark Continent. If I can't find him in either, then I'll go to Reim! On my way, I'll find a way home!"

  As for Alibaba, he thought he was getting left behind. Aladdin and Morg had a plan of what they were planning to do; even Sora! While they had a plan, he didn't know what he would do. 'Maybe I should go Reim to train as a Gladiator.' Smiling, he knew what he was going to do, but he wanted to surprise them when they departed.


  The next day, Sora saw Alibaba fighting with Kougyoku. Smirking, she decided to join in the fight. Running down, she charged at Alibaba. When Kougyoku and Alibaba felt this, they backed up.

"Sora, what are you doing?!" Alibaba asked shocked

"Just wanted to join in the battle!"

  As they were conversing, Kougyoku was amazed by how fast Sora was. Where ever she came from, she was really fast, like a fanalis. In all honesty, Kougyoku thought fanalis were amazing. She loved how strong they were, even their speed. She wished she could've been as strong as they were. So, she asked if Sora was a fanalis.

"Nope! I'm a Dragon Slayer!"

  Kougyoku was confused. She thought for sure Sora was a fanalis. At the same time, she never heard of a Dragon Slayer. Seeing her confusion, Sora explained what a Dragon Slayer is. Kougyoku was amazed that this girl had this power.

"I think we should get back to battling!" Alibaba stated

  With that, the three of them battled. Both Alibaba and Kougyoku were having a tough time against Sora. What they didn't notice was that Sinbad stepped into the fight. He told Alibaba to cover his ears, for he was in his Djinn Equip: Zepar. Doing as he was told, he saw Sinbad yell. Looking around, he found everyone asleep. When Sinbad grabbed Kougyoku, he rushed towards Sora. But when he saw her, she was about to fall asleep. Closing her eyes for a few minutes, the sleepiness was gone.

  When Sinbad got to her, he asked if she was alright.

"Yeah. A little tired but I'll be alright." Sora said smiling. Looking in Sinbad's arms, she noticed Kougyoku was sound asleep. "Hey Sinbad, how'd you make everyone fall asleep?"

"That's the power of Zepar. As for my question, how did you not fall asleep?" For Sinbad, he thought this was the perfect chance to hold Sora in his arms without her knowing.

  Shrugging, Sora landed on the ground and de-transformed.

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