Chapter 10

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  As Sora was walking, she saw Haku with a drunk Kougyoku. She decided to go over to them to help Haku get her to stop drinking.

"Hey! Haku!"

"Hello Miss Sora."

"Just call me Sora."

"Alright Sora. Do you need anything?"

"Nope. Just came to talk. It looks like you need help."

"You don't have to."

  By the time he said that, Sora was already taking the drink away from Kougyoku. Though she protested, Sora gave her no choice. She also got Kougyoku to go to bed. Haku smiled at this. Personally, he thought she was like a big sister but at the same time a little sister. Snapping out of his thoughts, he noticed Sora was waiting for him to answer something.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I said 'When are you returning back home'?"

"Actually, in a few days."

"Why so sudden?"

"I'm a prince, so I have to go home and do duties."

"Oh." Sora said looking said. "Oh well. We'll see each other again someday!" smiling.

  With that, she walked away. She decided to get some food, but before she could get far Sinbad offered to dance.

"But I'm hungry."

"Just one dance?"

"Fine, but after this you have to treat me to food."

"Of coarse."

  As they were dancing, Sora didn't notice the girls giving her the death glare but Sinbad did. He was, in all honesty, disappointed by them. After all, the girls are all over him; he expected them to be happy for him. Turning back to Sora, he wished the would never end. While she was busy having fun, she didn't notice Sinbad giving her a lovey-dovey look. Every time she looked at him, he would blush and turn away. 'Is he sick?' Finally the dance came to an end.

"Hey! Sin, the music stopped. Don't you think you owe me somethin'?"

  Snapping out of his thoughts, he said alright and off they went. Sora was so excited that she almost left Sinbad behind. Before she could get far, she was pulled back. Looking back, she noticed he put his hand on her wrist.

"What's wrong, Sin?"

"I think it would be better if we held hands, so we don't lose each other."


  What they didn't notice, was that Ava was watching them the entire time they danced. 'Looks like I was right. My plan worked.'

  As they were walking, Sora tried tasting every food on the booths. As for Sin, lets just say he was having a hard time keeping up. After all, they've almost been to every booth. 'How much does she usually eat?!' He was amazed that she could eat so much. "Haven't you had enough?"

"Nope! I wanna eat everything!"

  With that, she went back to eating. She was eating so much that he couldn't keep up with her. It was true that he ate some food, but he was full. As he was watching her eat, he decided it was time to get her to stop. "I think it's time we go walk around some more."

"Awe, but I'm not done."

"Still. Don't you want to enjoy the rest of the festival?"

"Okay." Sora said

  Walking around, Sin took her to the beach to be alone with her. You couldn't blame him; Sora was the first girl to not fall in love with him that he wanted to make her fall for him. He decided to get to know her more then he would make his move.

"Sora, what's your family like?"

"Well, my family is my whole guild and I cherish them. They act crazy sometimes, but it's one big family! Even Natsu and Gray get in fights all the time, but Erza stops them." Smiling at her memories, she decided to go to her room and sleep. "I think it's time to go to bed."

"I guess you're right." Pretty soon he will make his move.

Time skip~~~~

  Finally at her room, Sora said goodnight to Sin. Before she walked in, he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Have a nice rest." With that, he walked off smirking.

  As for Sora, she blushed a little. Deciding it meant nothing, she walked in her room. Getting ready, she looked at the crystal. 'I wonder if it works.' After holding for a few minutes, it did nothing. 'Must work only once a day.' Putting it down, she went to sleep.

  What she didn't know was that Dunya was running out of time to live, and Aladdin, Morg, and Alibaba were going separate ways.

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