Chapter 7

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  While Sora and the gang are in Zagan, Judar decided to pay Sindria a visit. Once he got there, he broke past Sinbad's defenses. "Hey Sinbad."

"What are you doing here Judar?"

"I'm just wondering what's your plan with the Chibi."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Aladdin, of coarse. Also, why are there four Magi now? There has always been three, so why did he appear?"

"That's none of your business."

"Of coarse it is. I must warn you though; sending Aladdin and his gang was a big mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out." 

  And with that, Judar floats away. Sinbad realizes that members of Al Thamen infiltrated Zagan after them.

In Zagan

  When Sora was about to attack, she noticed Zagan was holding the child that wanted to go with them. Zagan said that if they wanted to rescue the child and villagers they must succeed in the trials he has.

Time skip ~~~~

  After succeeding in all the challenges, Haku said not to help him. Zagan thought this was the perfect opportunity to have some fun. He asked if no one was holding them back, and pointed out that Haku wasn't much help. Haku started to cry, and everyone was trying to comfort him but Haku didn't have it. Alibaba thought Haku was just like him, so he encouraged him. The group moved on to their quest.

"Sora, how did you make flames appear behind you?" Aladdin asked

"My element is fire, so I can get it to do tons of things."

  With that said, they continued to conquer Zagan. When Zagan appeared before them, Aladdin noticed that is not the real one. The fake Zagan said he was right and explained that the real Zagan is sleeping deep inside the dungeon. After saying that, everyone falls into a trap door leading to the real body. 'Zagan' said that soon they were going to be devoured. Sora wasn't fast enough to react, so Morg activated her household vessel, saving everyone.

"Thanks Morg!" Sora said

"Your welcome." with that said, Morg went back to destroy the monster.

  When she came back up, she was drained of Magoi and spitted out blood. She was glad to be of use to her friends. Alibaba carried Morg to the dungeon room with the others, hoping Zagan could heal her. On their way there, three members of Al Thamen appear in their path with the intent to kill.

"Hakuryuu, take Morg and the little girl to the treasure room!" Alibaba stated

  Hesitantly, he complied. Sora decided to stay with Aladdin and Alibaba to help fight. She found out that the one that was doing the ordering was named Ithnan, the one that Alibaba and Aladdin fought before. Before anyone can react, Dunya impales herself with a Dark Metal Vessel and becomes a Dark Djinn. She went to fight Aladdin while Isaac fights Alibaba. As for Sora, she decided to go for Ithnan.

"I see a little girl wants to come at me." Ithnan mocked

"You'll see what this little girl can do." rushing up to him, she hit him. Ithnan saw this coming, so he put up a barrier.

"You're not from here are you?"

"You just figured it out."

  Sora used one of her attacks, but they did nothing against him. 'This is gonna be harder than I thought.'

"I wonder if your friends will survive what's to come."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll see."

  What Sora didn't notice was that Alibaba and Aladdin was gaining the upper hand. Ithnan made Dunya control her power, fully equipping her Dark Djinn while Isaac recovers from his wounds. Haku decides to return to his friends side to help fight.

  In Sindria

  Judar flees, saying that the barrier protecting Sinbad's country is now destroyed. They look up and see an invading force from Al Thamen is here to destroy it.

Time skip~~~

  Sharrkan and Masrur manage to defeat two of the main comanders. What they didn't notice was that an ominous huge mass approached the island, devouring all that it touches.

In Zagan

   Dunya prepares to do a massive attack that will wipe out Aladdin and others while Isaac protects her. As Isaac is about to kill Alibaba, Haku steps between them, getting his left hand cut off. 'If only I knew healing magic.' Sora thought. Once Dunya completed her Extreme Magic, she obliterated them. When dust cleared, she noticed they were still alive. She found out that Aladdin created a mirage.

  Once she was exhausted, Dunya returned to normal. As for Isaac, he started to break apart. Ithnan decided she was no use to him anymore, so he wounded her as Alibaba was reasoning with her. Alibaba then saw her past, and corruption spreads through his body.

"How could you do that?! She was your ally!" Sora exclaimed enraged

"She was just there for me to use." a smiling Ithnan says

  Before Sora could do anything, Alibaba stabs Ithnan out of rage. Ithnan perishes, but his goal was complete: Alibaba fell into depravity and became a Dark Djinn.


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