Chapter 18

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  When they were trying to fight the pirates, Sora, Morg, Haku, and Alibaba were having a hard time.

"This is startin' to get annoying!" Sora exclaimed

  The pirates had an advantage, for they were inside water bubbles and shooting with their magic tools. Also, they kept going in and out the holes in their base. Haku, Morg, and Alibaba tried not to hurt them that much, but Sora wasn't exactly merciful. Let's just say she controlled herself not to kill the pirates.

  Before anyone could react, Morg ran up inside the base and stormed from the inside. After she defeated all of the pirates, Alibaba, Haku, and Sora went inside. What they saw horrified them, for they saw children everywhere trying to kill them.

With Aladdin~~~~~~

  Madaura tried to entrance Aladdin with her magic tool, the "Holy Mother Halo Fan", to think she is his mother. She uses this to control children to do her bidding. However, he got out of the spell. She was shocked, but noticed that there is new company, for Haku, Sora, Morg, and Alibaba finally made it to Aladdin.

"Alibaba, Morg, Sora, Haku! Stay back!"

  Not listening, Sora came up to try to punch Madaura, but got under the fan's effect; the same thing happened with Haku, Alibaba, and Morg. They tried to fight it but couldn't, for they missed their mothers.

  For Sora, she saw Natsu, a black-haired boy, and her sitting around a table, having fun. 'What is this? Who are they?' (Sorry! It's kind of a spoiler in the manga of Fairy Tail. If you haven't read it, this is important- at least to me it is- but not a major spoiler.)

  For Morg, she saw her mother.

  For Haku, he saw his mother, the one he wanted to kill so much.

  For Alibaba, he saw his beloved mother. He missed her so much.

  Aladdin tried to get them out of the effect, but couldn't without getting in the mist of the fan. Getting out of the effect, Alibaba, Morg, and Sora were ready to beat up Madaura. They were mad that she used this tactic. As for Sora, she was confused as to what she saw, but was really mad. Aladdin noticed that Haku was was acting weird.

"Haku! Come on. Help us!" Sora exclaimed, shaking him

  Before she could react, Haku got in his Djinn equip and sliced at her with his spear, scratching her. Jumping away, Sora held her left arm. She sensed that blood was coming out, and it was hurting.

"Sora!" Alibaba, Morg, and Aladdin exclaimed, running to her.

  They tried to check if she was okay, but Sora said she was okay. They wouldn't listen, and tried to put a piece of cloth on her, but she held her arm, not letting them do anything.

"Haku! What's wrong with you?!" Alibaba asked concerned

"I must protect mother!" Haku said, readying to fight

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