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Justin's pov.

"But mommmmmmm." I whined.

"No Justin you need to go to school, you barely ever leave this house since you started online school. You barely have any friends!" She said sighing at the end.

"I have Danny and Damon, that's all I need, and for your information I happen to like staying cooped up in this house. It's very much enjoyable." I said crossing my arms.

"This isn't up for discussion anymore, you going to start public school wither you like it or not." She said angrily. I huffed and pouted.

"Now go up and get ready for bed, you start school first thing next week." She said and turned away. I stomped angrily up the stairs and slammed my door. I sigh and stripped of my clothes, to take a shower.

I turned on the water and jumped in, adjusting to the hot temperature I turned the water to. I eventually relaxed everything, my muscles, my mind, my breathing. Then I just broke down crying. On the bathtub floor. I sat there and cried. Why? Why do I have to go to school? Where people are fake and try to hurt you, to prove they're better. Why'd I have to go somewhere like that.

I realized the water was getting cold, so I stood up and washed my hair and body. Then hopped out and wrapped my body with a fuzzy towel. I avoided looking down, seeing as I was transgender, and dysphoria was a big part of my life. I have horrible anxiety along with that, with depression.

I tried to snap myself from my irritating thoughts, as I dried my body and put on boxers, and a loose tee shirt. I hated sleeping with pants, so idiotic to keep my legs from touching my soft fuzzy warm blanket. I grabbed my phone and checked my Instagram. I had barely 789 followers, but it was okay. And I saw I got a text from Danny.

D-Danny, J-Justin
D: So your going to public school?

J: Yeah...

D: Not to thrilled?

J: Not at all. How bout you? How are you doing?

D: Ahhhhh anime con is fun, I met a lot of cool people!

J: Sweet! Glad someone's having a good time.

D: Come on, look at it is way, you could find your special someone! Like I found Alex!

J: I know, I know, but I'm scared.

D: I know, it's hard, but think positive!

J: I'm positive that this is going to go bad.

D: Justinnnnnnnn, that's not what I meant!

J: Hehe I know, but it's true, last time I went to public school, I came home bruised almost head to toe!

D: Yeah I know, listen I'll be back in a few days, I'll go with you.

J: Okay that sounds better.

D: Sorry Justin, got to go, I'll text you tomorrow!

J: Okay! Bye Dan.

D: Bye Jay!

I sighed and put my phone down. Danny was at this anime convention, he's been at it for a week already. And he still won't be back till Friday next week. How am I going to survive?

(A/n: Cool so this book is going to be good, I can feel it!!!!)

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