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Okay shout out to Brianna_Lexi because she is amazing, also go read her story 'Once upon a Time', it's amazing and I love it. So read it, also read my Jale story, if you like Jale.

Justin's pov.

When I woke up, I was alone, no Raegan anywhere. I sighed. Why'd he leave? Why? I felt so useless without him. I didn't know where he went but he's gone. I sighed, I got up and went to the kitchen. I saw a note on the table.

Hey, sorry babe, I had to leave, I got called into work today, sorry, but please eat something, I'll bring home dinner, so don't worry about that, I love you my handsome prince. ~Rae.

Oh so he only had work. Wow, I get so worried about nothing. I'm such a idiot. But he did tell me to eat, so I walked to the pantry, to get some cereal. I picked out something simple, honey nut cherrios, basic but good. What was I going to do, while Raegan was at work? I could walk my dog. Wait I don't have a dog. Well I, I could make some Musically's? I mean Danny does it? Maybe I could too?

So I grabbed my phone I logged in, I already have a account because I like seeing Danny's. Also I watch him live sometimes. So I go to this sound account 'flighthouse' I picked a good sound and started doing it. Of course I messed up a bit, and had to redo it. But I made it. I made some more. These take more effort them people give them. Like damn.

I posted on Instagram my musically account. People started following me instantly. Hmmm I wonder why? I checked it. Oh Danny mentioned me. Cool. It was only 2pm and Raegan gets off at 9pm, so I had some time. Let's see, what can I do. I could watch a movie? Or draw? Sing? Dance? Listen to music? Hmmm let's watch a movie. I scrolled through Netflix until I came upon 'Peter Pan', well I love Disney so yeah let's watch it. It was a live action filmed, so real people instead of cartoons. Cool. It started and I watched it. I watched three movies after that, 'Tangled' and this movie in Swedish 'Girls Lost'. Super good movies. It was almost 9pm, so I just waited for Raegan to come home.

"Hey Babe!" Raegan greeted loudly as he opened the front door.

"What?" I shouted from the couch.

"Come here!" He screamed.

"Okay!" I yelled. I got up from my comfy spot and went to see what he wanted. But instead I saw a cute Yorkshire Terroir puppy.

"Awe babe." I gushed at the cute puppy.

"She's yours." Raegan told me.

"What? Really?" I asked like a kid on Christmas.

"Yup, what're you gonna name her?" Raegan asked.

"Snuffle Puff." I answered him seriously.

"What? Your kidding right?" He said with a straight face.

"Nope." I said petting my new puppy.

"Okay then." Raegan said dropping that. I smiled at my new baby.

"So is this our child then?" I questioned as I look at Raegan.

"I guess so." Raegan said confused.

"We're going to be such good dads, yes we are, yes we are." I said in a baby voice, whilst petting Snuffle Puff. I saw from the corner of my eye, that Raegan facepalmed. I giggled and picked up my puppy.

"Did you buy puppy food?" I ask.

"Yeah it's in my car, I'll go get it." He said and walked out the door. Well now I guess, I can walk my dog. But not right now, it's dark out. I stood there, holding the puppy in my arms when I finally started to smell what I love most. I went to the kitchen. And found a bag of Taco Bell. Ugh Raegan knows me so well. Speaking of Raegan, I heard him come in.

"Hey babe? Is the dog potty trained? And fixed?" I called out to Raegan now curious.

"Yes." He answered as he walked in with a whole bunch of dog things, toys, a leash, puppy food, food dishes, and a puppy bed.

"Great." I smiled at him.

"Any news from Danny today?" Raegan asked.

"Not really. But he announced to his followers that he's going on tour." I told him. But my phone vibrated, in my pocket.

"Who's that?" Raegan asked.

"Just my dad, wondering how I'm doing." I shrugged. My phone vibrated again. This time it was Damon. My best friend from Minnesota.

From Damon:
Hey dude, I was thinking of visiting soon, when's a good time?

I replied to him, saying whenever. My phone vibrated again.

From Damon:
Good, well, could you open, you're front door?

Wait huh, I made my way, to the front door, with my puppy. I opened the front door, and there stood, in the flesh, Damon.

"Damon!!!!" I exclaimed.

"Hi, Justin!" He said and hugged me.

"Ugh I missed having my best friend around." I told him.

"Me too, and who's this cute fella?" Damon asked.

"Snuffle puff." I said.

"Snuffle puff?" Damon questioned.

"Yes, snuffle puff." I said in a duh tone.

"Not going to question it." He said dismissing it.

"Hi, snuffle puff, I'm uncle Damon!" He introduced himself to my baby girl. She barked with excitement. Raegan walked by.

"Justin? Who's that?" Damon asked as he took snuffle puff from me.

"Oh that's Raegan, my boyfriend." I told him proudly.

"That's Raegan? Dang Justin, he's hawt." Damon fanned.

"I'm #1 Jaegan shipper." Damon stated.

"Of course you are." I laughed as Raegan made his way over.

"Hi, I'm Raegan Beast." Raegan introduced himself, going in for a hug on Damon.

"Well, I'm Damon, I'm Justin best friend. From Minnesota." Damon awkwardly introduced himself. He was always awkward when meeting new people. But hey, aren't we all?

"So who's ready for some Taco Bell?" Raegan asked, and pulled out enough for all of us.

"Rae? Did you know about him coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, I invited him actually, you speak so highly of him, so I dm'd him on Instagram and asked him if he'd like to fly over here, he said yes, so I paid for his flight and everything." Raegan explained.

"Wow, thanks babe." I said happily.

"Anything to make you happy babe." He's just so thoughtful.

(A/n: Hi, so um, don't question snuffle puffs name, I've always wanted a dog, and I'd want to name it snuffle puff, so there. Also say hi to Damon cause he'll be here for a while.)

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