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Dedication goes to Samantha13_jeagan because she is amazing!!!!! Like she voted and comment on this story and my other one "idfc" like ugh thanks boo.

Justin's pov.

I woke up startled. I didn't want to wake up. I feared what would happen today. Maybe, maybe it was all a dream, I hoped it was, but I knew it wasn't. I sighed and got up, I didn't really have any motivation, so my shoulders dropped and I hung my head as I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and gasped at what I saw. My hair everywhere, my face red with tear stains, my eyes bloodshot. I felt sick honestly. I took off my clothes tossed them aside and took a quick shower. I got out and dried off with a towel that was there, I didn't care if it was clean or dirty. I walked to my room, got dressed in black sweat pants, a sweater, and just a binder underneath that, with of course boxers and socks.

I said 'fuck it' and put my hair in a snap back not honestly caring. Like I said, I didn't care, I probably looked like a hobo. I walked down stairs to find a note on the table that read.

Dear Justin, sorry to say this but I have left for a week or two, works got me stressed out, if you need anything dial Cliff, there's money in our secret spot, love you, stay safe. -Mom.

So now I'm home alone for more then a week, great, and I thought my mom wouldn't leave me. I sigh, I seem to be doing that a lot. I didn't eat, instead I grabbed my keys and bag and locked the house, and started walking. I could drive, but I don't want to. I walk that path of the creek, but not once stopping. I got to school and everyone starred, I smiled through the pain, because that's the only thing I could do. People whispered, and I let them, normally Raegan would tell them to stop, but Raegan's not here anymore. I let it happen, and that was that.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here, Justin Blake without his bodyguards." I could feel James smirk.

"Shut the fuck up, why don't ya. Wouldn't want you wasting your breathe on a mistake like me." I said and continued walking. People again whispered.

"We'll continue this after school." James said and laughed as he walked away. I walked to my locker grabbed my books, and headed to class. I saw Jack and Kale on the way and they just gave me disgusted looks. I smiled at them, hurt. Kale flipped me off, and I looked at the ground.

"Fuck out of here, freak!" I heard Kale scream as I walked. I kept my head down and I ran into somebody. I looked up, and guess who? Raegan, way to fucking predictable.

"Oh, here's the mistake." Raegan chuckled, I hated feeling so weak to him, I'd hit him or fight back, but what's the use? He's right anyways.

"Too scared to say something? Huh Justin? Mr.Scaredy Cat all of a sudden?" Raegan taunted.

"Can't defend yourself? Huh Justin?" I could, but I don't hurt the people I love.

"Worthless, ugly, fat, disappointment, disgrace, dumb ass!" He said to me, I couldn't deny him no longer.

"Yes okay? I know that! Okay? I know, I'm worthless, I know no one cares, I also know you never even cared, I know you, Kale, Jack, Trent, and Ryan all pretended, okay? I also know your all going to leave me, I know, okay? So stop fucking telling me. I know, everyone in this fucked up world, would just be better of without me, okay? I know, I'm not wanted, I'm sorry." I sighed and pushed past him, going to my class before I was late.

We did notes, and essays, research, through out the whole day. Lunch passed quickly, I sat in the library, biology, and then back to the library. It was a sort day since it's Friday, so school finished at 2:15, instead of 3:15, a hour early. I got my stuff, shoved it in my bag, and started to leave.

"How'd you know?" A voice stopped me.

"Easy, you walked down the creek way, I heard almost everything, revenge on my dead brother really? For what money he didn't pay you well here!" I shouted as I tossed him, a hundred fifty dollars, after all, that's how much the drugs cost. Raegan looked shocked.

"Yeah, I'm not stupid either, have a good life Raegan, goodbye." I said and left him standing there. Kale, Jack, Trent and Ryan were outside the school, Kale tried to stop me.

"Stop Kale, I trusted you, now leave me alone, after all, your supposed to be leaving me, right?" I said and pulled my arm from his grip. He nodded and walked back to the others. They gave me a sad look but my face remained emotionless. I walked again. This time James stopped me.

"We got some unsettled business, Blake." He started. I grabbed his arm twisted it, kicked his knee, bringing him the ground.

"No, I don't believe we do. Now fuck off." I said I got up, brushed myself off and stormed away. Everyone was baffled. Just seeing a 5'4 boy, bring to the ground a 6 ft giant. I'm just tired of being left and hurt, I'm tired of it.

"Yes, get over it, I took him down easily, the pros of being a second degree black belt in karate. So bye." I said annoyed, not caring anymore. I lost everything. My friends, from what seemed like my family, myself, I'm so fucking done. I walked home, I was ready. Ready to end all this fucking bullshit. Goodbye. But, a hand on my shoulder made me stop in my tracks.

(A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed that, if you guys want a second update soon, get this chapter too 25 votes and I'll update again.)

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