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Listen to Say you won't let go by yourself on repeat or listen to it by clicking the video above. Enjoy.

Justin's pov.

After dinner, Kale, Jack, Trent and Ryan, all went back to Kale's, they offered for us to come along. But me and Raegan said no. It wasn't because I didn't like them, we made up after all. It wasn't that we didn't want to. It's just, I was tired. Like very tired. More tired then usual.

"So babe are we going to go to bed?" Raegan asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said and started walking upstairs. I walked to my room, and I got there stripping, of my clothes, till I was just in a sports bra and boxers. I began taking off my sports bra, once it was off. I walked to my full length mirror and looked at myself. The things on my chest, my little arms, my hour glass figure, I hated my body. Why couldn't I have been born in the right one? Why? Why did life have to be so much more confusing for me? I hated my life. I didn't want to be here anymore.

I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face or that Raegan was in the room. I guess he heard me crying. He came over and hugged me.

"I love everything about you, okay? You'll start testosterone. You'll get top and bottom surgery. Okay? Things will get better. You just got to fight baby." I don't know how but Raegan just always knows how to make me feel better. Always knows what's going on.

"B-but, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm stupid. And I-I hate my body. My s-stomach, my waist, my arms, my legs, my chest, I hate it, all of it." I cried and hugged him, He bent down after a while.

"You are not fat, ugly or stupid. I love your body. Your stomach is perfect." He said and placed a kiss on my stomach.

"Your waist is perfect." And a kiss was placed there.

"Your legs are perfect." And he kissed my left thigh.

"Your arms, perfect." And he kissed up my arm.

"Your chest, perfect too." And he kissed up my chest, to my mouth.

"You, you are perfect." And he kissed my lips.

"B-but, I'm not perfect." I told him.

"Your perfectly imperfect, and I love you, all your flaws and imperfections, I love them, you are perfect to me." He smiled and picked me up and placed me on my bed. He shut off the light, and crawled in next to me. He cuddled me and whispered in my ear.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


In the morning, I woke up before Raegan, and I called Kale. I told him to come pick up Raegan and keep him out of my house but to bring him back at 6pm sharp. So Raegan got up and got dressed. Kale came and took him away. I showered and got dressed and I was off to get my surprise ready.

I drove to the super market and picked him up a bouquet of red roses. I headed to the mall next. I went to a jewelry parlour, and picked out a promise ring. I went to a candy shop and picked out his favourite pop/soda and candies. I walked to H&M and went to there couple section. I picked out a cute gay shirt for me, which said 'I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is.' Raegan's said 'he's gay, but only for me' with a arrow pointing to the left. And for the finishing touch I grabbed our favourite movies to watch, Hannah Montana and all of the High School Musical's. And I head home to set it up.

I put the roses in the living room, because we'd be cuddling and watching our movies while eating candy, in there. I put the promise ring next to the roses. And I put on my shirt. I put the Hannah Montana movie in first. I put Raegan's shirt next to the roses on the couch, so it was laying on the back. I went upstairs and grabbed my blankets, plus more. I went down stairs and grabbed a extra mattress. I set it up in front of the tv. I put all the blankets on it and made it look comfy. All the candy was on the coffee table next to us, along with the pop/soda, so it'd be easy to access.

I had my phone set up to play, 'our song' which was, 'Say You Won't Let Go' by James Author. The time came and a knock was at the door. Kale was recording this. I asked him too. I got the t-shirt and roses. I played the song with a remote since it was hooked up to my speaker. I opened the door and Raegan was there with Kale behind him. I smiled shyly at Raegan.

"Babe, what's this?" Raegan asked surprised.

"A surprise duh." I giggled and led him in more. I handed him the flowers. And his

"Oh my god, that's so true." And he quickly took off his shirt and changed into his new one. I brought him more into the living room and he gasped. It was dim lighted, with all his favourites, movies, drinks and candies. I grabbed the ring and bent down on one knee.

"Raegan Alexander Beast, I love you so much, ever since I saw you, with your fetus Justin Bieber look, I died, when I looked at you, fireworks, every time. When you asked me to be your boyfriend. I was shocked, seeing as everything that happen. But I said yes. And you've done so much for me, I thought it was time I do something for you." I opened the ring box as I finished my speech.

"Raegan, we're still to young to get married but, I promise one day, we will be." I slipped the ring on his finger and got up and kissed him. After that I thanked Kale and he promised he'd give me the footage.

"Well let's get on with the surprise then, shall we?" I laughed and guided him to the bed, and we laid down and watched our movies. Raegan fell asleep before me so I leaned up and kissed him.

"I love you, so much." I whispered and laid my head down on his chest and fell asleep.

(A/n: Your thinking 'What? He said he wasn't going to update till next week?' Well um this book got 4K!!!! And I'm just so surprised so, here have this special early chapter of a cute Jaegan surprise. Thank you all for all the reads, votes, follows, comments, it means so much. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this, because I did.)

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