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(Things that are said in this chapter about his father and brother, are not at all true.)

Justin's pov.

"Oh, uh, hi dad." I said to my dad, as he stepped in the room.

"Hi Justin, Justin's friends." My dad greeted. Raegan, Jack and Kale waved.

"I'm Kalvin, and this is Jack, we're Justin's best friends." Kale introduced himself and Jack.

"And who's this?" My dad gestured towards Raegan.

"I'm Raegan, Justin's boyfriend." Raegan told my father.

"Oh, well I'm David Blake, Justin's and Danny's father, as you may know." My dad introduced himself proudly. Raegan and them nodded.

"Well I'm going to go talk to Danny out in the hall." My dad announced and left the room, giving Raegan a judgemental stare. It was oblivious that my dad didn't like Raegan. Just by the look on his face, Raegan was imitated. I know my dad judged how Raegan looked, how he sat, how he acted, how he was in general. My dad saw his tattoos, his piercings, his slouch, his fun, wild, carefree personality. I knew he saw Raegan as not only immature, but impractical, a bad role model, and some punk kid.

"I'm sorry Rae." I apologized to him.

"What for?" He asked confused.

"My dad..." I sighed.

"Maybe he's just stressed?" Raegan suggested.

"That could be it, but the chances are very low that it is." I told him with a sigh.

"Then why was he being such a ignorant dick." He asked rudely.

"Excuse me, this is my father your talking about!" I exclaimed offended.

"I knew it, I knew this boy, was not good for you Justin, his mouth, it's just as bad as his attitude. His looks make him look like a drug dealer, hell he probably is. He's probably cheating on you!" My father exclaimed walking back in the room with Danny by his side.

"Dad he's not at all like that!" I told him.

"That's not what Danny said." My dad said, I glared at Danny. I thought Danny liked Raegan? I thought they were friends? What happened?

"Oh yeah, and what did little Mr.Perfect say? Hmmm?" I asked impatiently, looking between my father and brother.

"He said, he was a loony, drug dealer, who only uses people. And that he slacks in school, and is a inconsiderate man-whore." My dad said angrily. What?

"That is not at all true. Raegan isn't a drug dealer, he doesn't use people. He doesn't slack in school, and he definitely isn't a inconsiderate man-whore." I glared at my father and Danny as I spoke my words

"Raegan is this truly amazing, beautiful, wonderful, outrageous person. Who treats me with respect, he doesn't do anything with out my consent. He is so kind and caring, and treats me like a prince. Just the other day, he took me out to a fancy restaurant and spent 380 dollars on me! He is absolutely worthy of me, and I hate how you dislike him, without even knowing him!" I spat at my father, my heart racing with anger.

"That is it, you three out, we, as a family, have something to discuss." My father commanding to Raegan, Jack and Kale, who quickly scurry out of the room.

"What do we have to discuss?" I asked confused and angry.

"You both are moving back to Minnesota, with me, since your mother is no longer here." He says, his face dropping at the mention of my mother.

"What? No! I have a life here!" I yelled.

"And you have a life back in Minnesota. You don't really have a say in this Justin. Your also going to break up with that Raegan boy. I don't want you dating him." He said with a monotone voice. What? I have to break up with Raegan?

"No, you will not make me." I spat at him.

"You will do as I say, I am your father, you have no choice, your not a adult yet, you don't make your own life decisions, yet, like where you live." He told me.

"But I do get a say in who I date. And as far as I can say, I love Raegan, and I want to be with him." I glared at my father.

"And as far as I can say, you don't know what love is, and your breaking up with him, because I'm your father, and you are my child." He told me getting more then angry, he was livid.

"And as soon as you get out of this hospital, you will pack your bags, and as soon as we can, were flying back to Minnesota and that's final." He said marching out of the room, to cool off.

"Justin-." Danny started.

"No Danny, don't, just go away." I mumbled and turned on to my side, facing away from him. I heard his foot steps leave the room and as he closed the door. The tears came pouring out. I cried for what seems like hours, until I heard the door opened. I peered over my shoulder, and saw Raegan. Which only made me cry harder. He immediately rushed to my side, tugging me into his chest, holding me tightly. I grabbed his sweater as I sobbed into his chest.

He began whispering sweet nothings in my ear, hearing his voice, made me calm down. Soon my breathing was calm, and I was no longer crying. But I still clung to Raegan like a koala bear. I pulled away, looking up at him, he was already looking down at me.

"God dammit, you're so beautiful." He gushed and kissed me. I pulled away and took a deep breathe.

"Rae... We need to talk..." I told him, he nodded.

"My dad, he's making me move back to Minnesota-." I was telling him but he interrupted.

"That's okay, we can make it work." He smiled, ugh, he's too precious.

"Actually, my dads making me break up with you. I'm so sorry Raegan, I'm really sorry. I don't want to, I still love you a whole fucking lot. But my dad-." I explained but he interrupted me again.

"He doesn't like me, right? Yeah neither does Danny and I know why." He told me, I looked at him confused, gesturing for him to go on.

"The day at lunch, before Danny left, I wanted to see if we dated, if Danny would be alright with that. Of course he said no, because he knew what I was into, and me being me, I disobeyed him, and dated you anyways. So I guess this is his pay back..." Raegan sighed as he explained, trailing off at the end.

"Oh..." I trailed off sadly.

"Hey, hey don't be sad. We can still be friends." He smiled lightly.

"Best friends?" I asked.

"Best friends." He confirmed.

And that was that. If Kale was here, I'm positive he would've said "Jaegan is over."
I smiled at the thought of my leaf friend. I was really going to miss him. Jack too. But Raegan the most.

(A/n: should I end it here, or make one more chapter? And maybe a sequel?)

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