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Dedication goes to HunterBeast because he voted and commented so much, and his comments made me laugh so hard. I literally died. So yes, thank you.

Justin's pov.

We all fell asleep watching 'the fault in our stars' one of my favourite movies. I woke up, and noticed I was the only one, I wiggled out of Raegan's grip. I looked at him, I doubted his love for me, but I love him to much to leave him. My stomach gurgled, so I walked to the kitchen, and decide to make my famous spaghetti. I got out some hamburger meat and proceeded to get out two pots. I got out pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles. I was making my famous spaghetti, it's always a masterpiece.

I walked over to the sink washing my hands with soap, then took one of the pots and put in on the burner, I turned on the burner and started to break apart the meat and put it in the pot. Once all was in there, I took the other pot filled it with water and put a dash of vegetable oil in. I waited for that to boil, and I stirred the meat adding some spices. The water boiled, so I put the noodles in, and stirred the meat till it was done. I put the three cans of pasta sauce in. It was a big pot. I stirred till it was hot then I poured all the noodles in the sauce pot and mixed. I grabbed six plates. And six forks and spoons just in case.

"Vola!" I kissed my fingers and laughed. I dished out six plates, with some still left over, and set the table with the plates of spaghetti. I was going to get the guys but they were all standing at the door to the kitchen.

"Woah." They said in sync, well that was weird.

"You guys just going to stand there? Or do you wanna eat?" I said, and got glasses, and took out pop/soda, there were three kinds, Pepsi, Sprite, and Coca Cola.

"Pepsi anyone????" I asked gaining they're attention.

"Oh me!!!!!" Said Ryan and Trent.

"Coke?" I asked?

"Me!!!!!!" Kale and Jack said, high giving afterwards.

"Sprite?" I looked at Raegan and he nodded. I poured everyone they're glasses and brought them to them. I was thanked and I just smiled. I noticed everyone started eating but my spot next to Raegan was untouched. I sighed still not hungry. But I sat down and picked at my plate. My spaghetti was great, but lately I haven't been in the mood to eat anything, even Taco Bell and that's my favourite food!

"Babe what's wrong?" Raegan asked he noticed my picked at my food.

"Not hungry, I guess." I sighed and took a sip of my Sprite.

"But babe, I noticed you haven't really been eating at all, your getting skinnier." Raegan told me.

"Really?" I asked with hope.

"What?" He asked, not paying attention to what I was asking.

"I'm getting skinnier?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can literally see your bones." Raegan told me, concerned.

"That's amazing!" I exclaimed happily.

"That's unhealthy." Raegan clarified.

"No, it's not, I'm perfectly healthy." I said stubbornly.

"Is this because of the bullying?" He asked more concerned then before.

"No, I don't know what your talking about." I answered.

"Your starving yourself." He said.

Was I? I mean I was fat. Was I getting skinnier? I hope I was?

"You got a scale?" He asked and I nodded.

"Where?" Raegan asked.

"Upstairs bathroom." I told him. He grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs with him, the other noticed but didn't say anything. We got there quick since it was the first door on the right. He made me stand on it and the number read '90' in a big bold font.

"That number is unhealthy." Reagan told me.

"Listen to me Justin, you are not fat, you are perfect the way you are, and right now, you need to eat or you'll die, and I don't want you to die, I love and care for you too much, to ever let that happen to you. You are my everything, you are perfectly imperfect Justin. You don't need to be skinny, you need to be healthy. And if that's means with a little chub, then that's perfect. I want you for you, I don't want you starving yourself anymore, now please come downstairs and eat your wonderful meal you cooked for us." Raegan said out of breathe, he was on the verge of tears, while I was crying. He wiped my tears with his thumb, and kissed my check. I nodded and we walked back downstairs.

Kale looked at us, and he was talking with Ryan. Kales plate looked refilled, I'm guessing he's having seconds. I loved how Kale was so confident with who he was. Like he knew he was, and as long as he did, no one could bring him down. He was a bit chubby, but he didn't care, he ate what he wanted and for his height, he was probably a healthy weight. Ryan was small, much like me, and he was skinny, but he had all the right things, in all the right places. Jack, well Jack he had told me he's already 8 months on T, and you could see it in his body. His arms had muscle, not a bulging muscle but enough that you could see it with out flexing. Trent, was goals, v-line goals, muscle goals, body goals. But I had to stop comparing myself to others.

"Come eat baby." Raegan told me, I picked up my fork and whined up some spaghetti and put it in my mouth. It made my mouth water, it was so good, I'm such a good cook.

"See babe, your perfect the way you are." Raegan said and kissed my forehead, and I didn't leave that table till the food on that plate was gone. I smiled.

"I did it!!!" I smiled at Raegan.

"Yes, yes you did." He kissed me as a reward. I know I only ate a plate, but that was the most food I ate, all weak. Even taking a bite was hard. But I did it. Baby steps to accept myself. Baby steps.

(A/n: I'm continuing, this book isn't being put on hold, and you can comment whatever you like, I'll try to update twice a week, so for this week, I'm done update, so till next week, author out.)

Pretty Hurts. •Jaegan•Where stories live. Discover now