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(What they look like at the top.)

Justin's pov.

"Justin! Wake up! You've got school!" My mom barged in my room, flicking on the light. I groaned at the brightness. And curled under my blanket. But soon that was ripped off my body. I shivered at the coldness.

"Mom! I'm up!" I sighed angrily, and now very very cold. She back off and went down stairs. I got up, picked out a out fit, and walked to the closest just outside my room to get a clean towel, so I could shower. I walked to the bath room down the hallway and closed the door. I immediately turned on the water, adjusting it to a preferable temperature. I stripped of the pajama's I wore, and hurried to get into the shower.

I got in and relaxed and started washing my hair and body. After I was done, I jumped out, and started drying off. I walked back to my room, and got dressed. It was a simple out fit, just a white tee shirt with a hoodie over it, with some black jeans. I, of course had a binder on. It was uncomfortable but it was fine.

I grabbed the bag my mom bought me and went down stairs to eat breakfast. My mom sat at the table drinking coffee. I sat down and looked at my plate. Just some pancakes, yum, I love pancakes. I grabbed some syrup and put it on my pancakes. I began eating, not once talking to my mom. I'm still pretty pissed about is whole thing. That's when I remembered, I'm actually doing this. Crap.

I felt sick, like I could puke. My stomach tightened, my throat closed, my chest ached, my head pounded, I felt like I couldn't breathe. And I raced to the bathroom, and puked up my breakfast. My mom came rushing in and patted my back. I puked again and again. I got up and my mom left. She came back with two tablets and handed them to me. I took them and swallowed them. I brushed my teeth, I heard my mom flush the toilet.

I went back out to eat, but my food wasn't there. I looked at my mom confused.

"It's time to go." She told me. Oh. I'm still going. I grabbed my keys, and walked out to my car. I didn't even bother saying bye to my mom. I got in my car and started it. I backed up, and out of the driveway and headed towards, the high school.

Seeing as I'm 16, I'll be going to the grade ten classes? Maybe? I have no clue, I haven't been to school since I first came out. Which was 5 years ago. So when I was 11. Crap. I see the school, I'm not prepared, at all. I pull in and park. I can't do this.

I sit in my car, with my head in my hands, crying. It was getting hard to breathe. I heard the bell and I wiped my tears. I took a deep breathe, in and out. I opened my door and stepped out. Here goes nothing.

I grabbed my back pack and made my way into the school. Deep breaths. I remind myself. I walk to the office, which I was lucky was in front of the doors. I walk in.

"Hello, I'm Justin Blake, can I have my schedule and the information for my locker please?" I smiled nicely at the receptionist. She nods and gets me a schedule and my locker number and pass code. I thank her and walk out. I was already late for my first class. Crap. Oh well. I go to my locker, I get my binders for my first classes. And I head to my first class. Which I had a hard time finding but I found it.

I knocked since the door was locked and I couldn't get in. A women opened the door, she smiled brightly at me.

"Hello! You must be Justin! Am I correct?" She exclaimed and pulled me into her classroom shutting the door again. I nodded.

"Great! You can sit next toooooooo, oh next to, Abby? Yeah Abby." She points to a girl, with heavy make up, and a inappropriate outfit on. I cringe but go take a seat next to her. Maybe she's nice.

"Now Justin! I don't know what you were being taught at your other school. But we're learning about Roman numerals. Ring any bells?" She asked.

"Actually I've been homeschooled, and what's your name?" I asked her, avoiding the other question about Roman numerals.

"Well I am, Mrs.Allen, remember that's to LL's guys. Now pull out your questions about the Roman numerals." She tells everyone. I get up to walk to her, but I'm tripped by some jock. Ouch. I pull myself up and continue to walk to her.

"Um Mrs.Allen?" I tap her on the shoulder.

"Yes Justin?" She asks.

"I've already done the whole unit on Roman Numerals." I tell her.

"Oh? You have? Well here's a test just to check." She says and hands me a paper. I walked back to my seat but I'm tripped again. By the same jock. I sigh and pick myself back up again. I do the work easily. I'm finished within ten minutes. The bell rings and I go to hand my paper in. I'm shoved roughly by a few people, but I shrug it off. I give my paper to Mrs.Allen.

"Wow Justin! You weren't kidding, your outstanding! I might have to bring you up a grade. I'll talk to the principle about that. Will call your mom in about it to discuss after school." She exclaims and I nodded. She writes me a slip, which I'm assuming is for my other teacher. I make my way out into a still very busy hallway.

I got to my other class which was geometry. I sat through that and the rest of my classes till lunch. Which I was thankful for. But I didn't pack a lunch. I did have money to buy something, so I went out side to my car. I guess the word got out to the school that I was trans. Because on the way out, people shoved and pushed me, calling me 'freak' 'gross' 'dumb' 'worthless' and other bad names. I sighed. I knew this was going to happen.

Oh well. I got to my car, and was opening the door when someone pulled me back.

"Hey ya girl!" They said and held me. I tried wiggling out of they're grip but it was hard.
I was pushed to the ground and my body was impacted by kicks. I grunted and groaned in pain. Someone kicked my head. The bell rang that signalled lunch was over and they laughed, fist bumping and then left to go to class or something. I laid there in pain. But I picked myself up again. I got into my car, and decided to skip the rest of the day.

But the questions as soon I came home from my mom. 'Justin where were you?'
'What happened?' I sighed and told my mom nothing. I went upstairs and collapsed on my bed and I dozed off.

(A/n: This book is going to contain certain things, with like maybe abuse and self harm, harsh words. Just a heads up.)

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